compile ASUS 3.5G WL-HDD's firmware 筆記(失敗)

顯示結果從第 1 筆 到 9 筆,共計 9 筆
  1. #1
    thx 目前未上線

    compile ASUS 3.5G WL-HDD's firmware 筆記(失敗)

    先說好 這是筆記 我跟我家小朋友一起整理的 有點亂.
    ASUS WL-HDD 2.5 是一款有帶usb port 的迷你型AP

    而這計劃是 要讓 wl-hdd 2.5 可以支援USB 3.5G 無線上網.. 
    這樣可以把3g訊號轉成local wlan .一般市價支援這樣功能機器約要nt 4k以上
    而wl-hdd 2.5 體積小 大概又在nt 1xxx 因此就手癢來玩

    已知有人有release sources code 支援wl-500g

    1.asus offical source:

    2.oleg patch source:

    3.koppel patch source:

    4.oleg's toolchain for oleg's patch:

    4.ubuntu 7.10 x86

    5.用apt-get install安裝下列所需package
    patch //for patch
    libc6-dev, build-essential,flex,gawk //for compile
    libncurses5-dev //for make kernel
    zliblg-dev //for LZMA_Lib

    cd /root;tar xf

    cd /;ln -s /root/broadcom/opt /opt;
    cp /root/hndtools-mipsel-uclibc-3.2.3-full.tar.bz2 /;tar xf hndtools-mipsel-uclibc-3.2.3-full.tar.bz2

    8.設定toolchain PATH
    cd;joe .bashrc;
    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-linux/bin:/opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-uclibc/bin

    patch oleg's patch
    cd /root/boardcom/src;mkdir gateway;

    tar xf wl500g-;
    cd wl500g-;
    make kernel;make;

    patch koppel's patch
    cd /root/boardcom/src;
    tar xf usb-;
    cd cdma;

    compile everything
    cd /root/boardcom/src/gateway;

    如果過程一切順利的話, 生成的firmware會在以下位置:

    firmware 更新完後 可開機  但是一但動到 3g 設定.. 整台router 死掛.
    現在可能慘到要猛K sources code...

    此文章於 2008-02-25 07:12 PM 被 thx 編輯。

  2. #2
    FYI 目前未上線
    根據OpenWrtDocs/Hardware/Asus/WL-HDD, OpenWrt 可以支援WL-HDD2.5, 所以是否可以先安裝OpenWrt, 再以ipkg 安裝所需套件, 而不需重新編譯核心? 或許也可以改刷oleg, 但是不知以上是否支援Promise IDE 介面? WL-HDD 2.5 和WL-500g 似乎只差別在IDE, WL-HDD 2.5 CPU 不知道是125MHz 或200MHz? 但是支援USB 網路攝影機監控則是一個賣點

    有些方法是採用USB to RS232, 然後把USB GPRS Modem 改成RS232 埠, 如此只需安裝和USB & Serial 相關套件, 困難度比較低, 小弟並不知道是否可以用這個方法, 直接把HUAWEI E220 當作USB Modem 操作?

    小弟對此是大外行, 以上僅供參考

    MobileAPHowTo2 - OpenWrt
    OpenWrt / WRT54G with 3G interface?
    usb modem on wl500g?!! - AsusForum.NET -- WL500g
    此文章於 2008-02-20 07:20 PM 被 FYI 編輯。

  3. #3

    回覆: compile ASUS 3.5G WL-HDD's firmware 筆記(失敗)

    今天測了一下成功, 分享設定.


    A. 下載 網頁去下載 "WLHDD-".
    Huawei E220 網頁下載 並解壓縮成 dial.huawei.tar.gz

    B. 更新韌體並且設定為 Default [需重開機]
    System Setup -> Factory Default -> "Restore"

    C. 設定 Home Gateway
    System Setup -> Operation Mode 選擇 Home Gateway
    Apply 之後到 "Select Internet Connection Type" 選 Cable Modem
    就一直按 "Next" 到 "Finish" 後的 "Save & Restart" 停下來先不要按.

    D. USB Modem (接上 Huawei E220 注意: SIM 卡不能有 PIN 碼!!)
    1. 選 USB Connection -> "Use WAN port as LAN" (Yes).
    2. 點選 "User defined" 後按下 "Apply" 並取消跳出視窗的 Quick Setup.
    3. 選 USB Connection -> "User Dial-Up Files" 把 "dial.huawei.tar.gz"
    4. 選 USB Connection -> "User Dial-Up Config"
    APN: internet (隨 ISP 而有不同)
    Dial Number: *99#
    Card PIN Code: (SIM Card PIN 碼, 使用下面的 dial.huawei_pin.tar.gz 才有此選項)
    5. 按下 "Finish" 之後 "Save&Restart".

    E. 重開機完把 PC gateway 設定為 WL-HDD IP 就能上網啦!!


    編譯程式: (如果無聊可以自己編程式)

    A. 參考 Oleg 編譯教學網頁

    B. 從 1 到 3 都按照該網也步驟, 差別只在使用最新的 wl500g-

    C. 第四步驟如下.
    # cd /whatever/you/want/broadcom/src/wl500g-
    # make kernel; make
    # tar -C /whatever/you/want/broadcom/src -xzf /path/to/usb-
    # cd /whatever/you/want/broadcom/src/cdma
    # make
    # cd /whatever/you/want/broadcom/src/gateway
    # make; make image-WLHDD

    D. WLHDD-
    在 /whatever/you/want/broadcom/src/gateway/mipsel-uclibc/ 目錄下.
    此文章於 2008-03-14 10:13 PM 被 Macleod 編輯。

  4. #4

    回覆: compile ASUS 3.5G WL-HDD's firmware 筆記(失敗)

    這個 dial 支援使用 "Card PIN Code", 測試後可用.
    最好先準備好 PUK 碼, 以免打錯後被鎖卡.
    附加圖片 附加圖片 cardpincode.png  
    附加檔案 附加檔案
    此文章於 2008-03-14 07:16 PM 被 Macleod 編輯。

  5. #5

    回覆: compile ASUS 3.5G WL-HDD's firmware 筆記(失敗)

    引用 作者:Macleod 瀏覽文章
    今天測了一下成功, 分享設定.


    A. 下載 網頁去下載 "WLHDD-".
    Huawei E220 網頁下載 並解壓縮成 dial.huawei.tar.gz

    B. 更新韌體並且設定為 Default [需重開機]
    System Setup -> Factory Default -> "Restore"

    C. 設定 Home Gateway
    System Setup -> Operation Mode 選擇 Home Gateway
    Apply 之後到 "Select Internet Connection Type" 選 Cable Modem
    就一直按 "Next" 到 "Finish" 後的 "Save & Restart" 停下來先不要按.

    D. USB Modem (接上 Huawei E220 注意: SIM 卡不能有 PIN 碼!!)
    1. 選 USB Connection -> "Use WAN port as LAN" (Yes).
    2. 點選 "User defined" 後按下 "Apply" 並取消跳出視窗的 Quick Setup.
    3. 選 USB Connection -> "User Dial-Up Files" 把 "dial.huawei.tar.gz"
    4. 選 USB Connection -> "User Dial-Up Config"
    APN: internet (隨 ISP 而有不同)
    Dial Number: *99#
    Card PIN Code: (SIM Card PIN 碼, 使用下面的 dial.huawei_pin.tar.gz 才有此選項)
    5. 按下 "Finish" 之後 "Save&Restart".

    E. 重開機完把 PC gateway 設定為 WL-HDD IP 就能上網啦!!


    編譯程式: (如果無聊可以自己編程式)

    A. 參考 Oleg 編譯教學網頁

    B. 從 1 到 3 都按照該網也步驟, 差別只在使用最新的 wl500g-

    C. 第四步驟如下.
    # cd /whatever/you/want/broadcom/src/wl500g-
    # make kernel; make
    # tar -C /whatever/you/want/broadcom/src -xzf /path/to/usb-
    # cd /whatever/you/want/broadcom/src/cdma
    # make
    # cd /whatever/you/want/broadcom/src/gateway
    # make; make image-WLHDD

    D. WLHDD-
    在 /whatever/you/want/broadcom/src/gateway/mipsel-uclibc/ 目錄下.

    只是我把資料放在 / 底下
    /opt/brcm <-這個有看過了,連結路徑正確,也用了3.2.3-full的,裡頭的uClibc 0.9.19是直接用華碩原本的

    小弟在/broadcom/src/wl500g-底下make kernel 發生錯誤
    小弟在想是不是步驟2的Oleg's patched uClibc 0.9.19 弄錯了,
    uClibc 0.9.19 是不是要更換成Oleg的才行?

    tar -C / -xjf hndtools-mipsel-uclibc-3.2.3-full.tar.bz2
    rm -f /opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-uclibc
    ln -s hndtools-mipsel-uclibc-3.2.3-full /opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-uclibc
    # touch 123
    # make kernel > 123

    此文章於 2008-04-24 10:21 PM 被 talent881 編輯。

  6. #6

    回覆: compile ASUS 3.5G WL-HDD's firmware 筆記(失敗)

    引用 作者:talent881 瀏覽文章

    只是我把資料放在 / 底下
    /opt/brcm <-這個有看過了,連結路徑正確,也用了3.2.3-full的,裡頭的uClibc 0.9.19是直接用華碩原本的

    小弟在/broadcom/src/wl500g-底下make kernel 發生錯誤
    小弟在想是不是步驟2的Oleg's patched uClibc 0.9.19 弄錯了,
    uClibc 0.9.19 是不是要更換成Oleg的才行?

    tar -C / -xjf hndtools-mipsel-uclibc-3.2.3-full.tar.bz2
    rm -f /opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-uclibc
    ln -s hndtools-mipsel-uclibc-3.2.3-full /opt/brcm/hndtools-mipsel-uclibc
    # touch 123
    # make kernel > 123
    編譯期間有可能是 tool 或其他問題導致錯誤,

  7. #7

    回覆: compile ASUS 3.5G WL-HDD's firmware 筆記(失敗)

    你好,compile 的過程是以下這樣
    [ -d /home/cl/broadcom/src/et-4.108.9.orig ] || mv /home/cl/broadcom/src/et /home/cl/broadcom/src/et-4.108.9.orig
    tar -C /home/cl/broadcom/src -xzf et-4.108.9.tar.gz
    patch -d /home/cl/broadcom/src/et -p1 --no-backup-if-mismatch < et-4.108.9.patch
    patching file sys/etc47xx.c
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 196 (offset 10 lines).
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 605 (offset 15 lines).
    Hunk #4 succeeded at 626 (offset 15 lines).
    Hunk #5 succeeded at 739 (offset 15 lines).
    Hunk #6 succeeded at 812 (offset 15 lines).
    Hunk #7 succeeded at 1088 (offset 15 lines).
    Hunk #8 succeeded at 1139 (offset 15 lines).
    patching file sys/etc.c
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 320 (offset 72 lines).
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 329 (offset 72 lines).
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 373 (offset 72 lines).
    patching file sys/et_dbg.h
    patching file sys/et_linux.c
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 695 (offset 1 line).
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 723 (offset 1 line).
    Hunk #4 succeeded at 1024 (offset 1 line).
    [ -d /home/cl/broadcom/src/wl- ] || mv /home/cl/broadcom/src/wl /home/cl/broadcom/src/wl-
    tar -C /home/cl/broadcom/src -xzf wl-
    make -C /home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux mrproper
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux'
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/boot'
    rm -f vmlinux.ecoff
    rm -f zImage zImage.tmp
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/boot'
    rm -f arch/mips/ld.script
    make -C arch/mips/tools clean
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/tools'
    rm -f offset.[hs] /home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/include/asm-mips/
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/tools'
    make -C arch/mips/baget clean
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/baget'
    rm -f balo balo.h dummy.c image image.bin
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/baget'
    make -C arch/mips/lasat clean
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/lasat'
    make -C image clean
    make[3]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/lasat/image'
    rm -f rom rom.bin rom.sw kImage.bin
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/lasat/image'
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/lasat'
    find . \( -name '*.[oas]' -o -name core -o -name '.*.flags' \) -type f -print \
    		| grep -v lxdialog/ | xargs rm -f
    rm -f kernel/ksyms.lst include/linux/compile.h vmlinux .tmp* drivers/char/consolemap_deftbl.c drivers/video/promcon_tbl.c drivers/char/conmakehash drivers/char/drm/*-mod.c drivers/pci/devlist.h drivers/pci/classlist.h drivers/pci/gen-devlist drivers/zorro/devlist.h drivers/zorro/gen-devlist drivers/sound/bin2hex drivers/sound/hex2hex drivers/atm/fore200e_mkfirm drivers/atm/{pca,sba}*{.bin,.bin1,.bin2} drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aicasm/aicasm drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aicasm/aicasm_gram.c drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aicasm/aicasm_gram.h drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aicasm/aicasm_macro_gram.c drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aicasm/aicasm_macro_gram.h drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aicasm/aicasm_macro_scan.c drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aicasm/aicasm_scan.c drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aicasm/aicdb.h drivers/scsi/aic7xxx/aicasm/ drivers/scsi/53c700_d.h drivers/tc/lk201-map.c net/khttpd/make_times_h net/khttpd/times.h submenu*
    rm -rf modules
    make -C Documentation/DocBook clean
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/Documentation/DocBook'
    rm -f core *~
    rm -f wanbook.sgml z8530book.sgml mcabook.sgml videobook.sgml kernel-api.sgml parportbook.sgml kernel-hacking.sgml kernel-locking.sgml via-audio.sgml mousedrivers.sgml sis900.sgml deviceiobook.sgml procfs-guide.sgml tulip-user.sgml journal-api.sgml
    rm -f  wanbook.dvi  z8530book.dvi  mcabook.dvi  videobook.dvi  kernel-api.dvi  parportbook.dvi  kernel-hacking.dvi  kernel-locking.dvi  via-audio.dvi  mousedrivers.dvi  sis900.dvi  deviceiobook.dvi  procfs-guide.dvi  tulip-user.dvi  journal-api.dvi  wanbook.aux  z8530book.aux  mcabook.aux  videobook.aux  kernel-api.aux  parportbook.aux  kernel-hacking.aux  kernel-locking.aux  via-audio.aux  mousedrivers.aux  sis900.aux  deviceiobook.aux  procfs-guide.aux  tulip-user.aux  journal-api.aux  wanbook.tex  z8530book.tex  mcabook.tex  videobook.tex  kernel-api.tex  parportbook.tex  kernel-hacking.tex  kernel-locking.tex  via-audio.tex  mousedrivers.tex  sis900.tex  deviceiobook.tex  procfs-guide.tex  tulip-user.tex  journal-api.tex  wanbook.log  z8530book.log  mcabook.log  videobook.log  kernel-api.log  parportbook.log  kernel-hacking.log  kernel-locking.log  via-audio.log  mousedrivers.log  sis900.log  deviceiobook.log  procfs-guide.log  tulip-user.log  journal-api.log  wanbook.out  z8530book.out  mcabook.out  videobook.out  kernel-api.out  parportbook.out  kernel-hacking.out  kernel-locking.out  via-audio.out  mousedrivers.out  sis900.out  deviceiobook.out  procfs-guide.out  tulip-user.out  journal-api.out
    rm -f  parport-share.png  parport-multi.png  parport-structure.png  parport-share.eps  parport-multi.eps  parport-structure.eps
    rm -f procfs_example.sgml
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/Documentation/DocBook'
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/boot'
    rm -f vmlinux.ecoff
    rm -f addinitrd
    rm -f elf2ecoff
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/boot'
    make -C arch/mips/tools mrproper
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/tools'
    rm -f offset.[hs] /home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/include/asm-mips/
    rm -f /home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/include/asm-mips/offset.h
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/tools'
    find . \( -size 0 -o -name .depend \) -type f -print | xargs rm -f
    rm -f include/linux/autoconf.h include/linux/version.h drivers/net/hamradio/soundmodem/sm_tbl_{afsk1200,afsk2666,fsk9600}.h drivers/net/hamradio/soundmodem/sm_tbl_{hapn4800,psk4800}.h drivers/net/hamradio/soundmodem/sm_tbl_{afsk2400_7,afsk2400_8}.h drivers/net/hamradio/soundmodem/gentbl drivers/sound/*_boot.h drivers/sound/.*.boot drivers/sound/msndinit.c drivers/sound/msndperm.c drivers/sound/pndsperm.c drivers/sound/pndspini.c drivers/atm/fore200e_*_fw.c drivers/atm/.fore200e_*.fw .version .config* config.old scripts/tkparse scripts/ scripts/kconfig.tmp scripts/lxdialog/*.o scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog .menuconfig.log include/asm .hdepend scripts/mkdep scripts/split-include scripts/docproc /home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/include/linux/modversions.h kernel.spec
    rm -rf include/config /home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/include/linux/modules
    make -C Documentation/DocBook mrproper
    make[2]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/Documentation/DocBook'
    rm -f core *~
    rm -f wanbook.sgml z8530book.sgml mcabook.sgml videobook.sgml kernel-api.sgml parportbook.sgml kernel-hacking.sgml kernel-locking.sgml via-audio.sgml mousedrivers.sgml sis900.sgml deviceiobook.sgml procfs-guide.sgml tulip-user.sgml journal-api.sgml
    rm -f  wanbook.dvi  z8530book.dvi  mcabook.dvi  videobook.dvi  kernel-api.dvi  parportbook.dvi  kernel-hacking.dvi  kernel-locking.dvi  via-audio.dvi  mousedrivers.dvi  sis900.dvi  deviceiobook.dvi  procfs-guide.dvi  tulip-user.dvi  journal-api.dvi  wanbook.aux  z8530book.aux  mcabook.aux  videobook.aux  kernel-api.aux  parportbook.aux  kernel-hacking.aux  kernel-locking.aux  via-audio.aux  mousedrivers.aux  sis900.aux  deviceiobook.aux  procfs-guide.aux  tulip-user.aux  journal-api.aux  wanbook.tex  z8530book.tex  mcabook.tex  videobook.tex  kernel-api.tex  parportbook.tex  kernel-hacking.tex  kernel-locking.tex  via-audio.tex  mousedrivers.tex  sis900.tex  deviceiobook.tex  procfs-guide.tex  tulip-user.tex  journal-api.tex  wanbook.log  z8530book.log  mcabook.log  videobook.log  kernel-api.log  parportbook.log  kernel-hacking.log  kernel-locking.log  via-audio.log  mousedrivers.log  sis900.log  deviceiobook.log  procfs-guide.log  tulip-user.log  journal-api.log  wanbook.out  z8530book.out  mcabook.out  videobook.out  kernel-api.out  parportbook.out  kernel-hacking.out  kernel-locking.out  via-audio.out  mousedrivers.out  sis900.out  deviceiobook.out  procfs-guide.out  tulip-user.out  journal-api.out
    rm -f  parport-share.png  parport-multi.png  parport-structure.png  parport-share.eps  parport-multi.eps  parport-structure.eps
    rm -f procfs_example.sgml
    rm -f  wanbook.pdf  z8530book.pdf  mcabook.pdf  videobook.pdf  kernel-api.pdf  parportbook.pdf  kernel-hacking.pdf  kernel-locking.pdf  via-audio.pdf  mousedrivers.pdf  sis900.pdf  deviceiobook.pdf  procfs-guide.pdf  tulip-user.pdf  journal-api.pdf
    rm -f -r  wanbook  z8530book  mcabook  videobook  kernel-api  parportbook  kernel-hacking  kernel-locking  via-audio  mousedrivers  sis900  deviceiobook  procfs-guide  tulip-user  journal-api
    rm -f .depend
    rm -f /home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/scripts/mkdep-docbook
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/Documentation/DocBook'
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux'
    make -C /home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/compressed/ clean
    make[1]: Entering directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/compressed'
    rm -f vmlinux vmlinuz zImage piggz piggy *.lds *.o
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux/arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/compressed'
    Patching kernel...
    Looking for last applied patch
    kernel-usb-via6212.patch already applied
    Patching /home/cl/broadcom/src/linux/linux with  kernel-vlan-shared-skb.patch kernel-bt-2.4.20-mh18.patch kernel-usb-hid-bugs.patch kernel-tcp-treason-uncloaked.patch kernel-pppol2tp.patch kernel-fs-partitions-msdos.patch kernel-gpiortc.patch kernel-bcm5354.patch kernel-mips-bcm-pkg.patch kernel-mcast-vlan-silent.patch kernel-conntrack-tcp.patch kernel-2.4.20-ext3.patch kernel-2.4.20-ptrace.patch kernel-ide-nasoc.patch kernel-old-gpio.patch kernel-iptables-connmark.patch kernel-buildhost.patch kernel-flash-id.patch kernel-fpuemu.patch kernel-mksquashfs-gcc4.patch kernel-usb-hiddev.patch kernel-mvista-mem.patch kernel-flash-partitions.patch kernel-flash-mirrorbit.patch kernel-nvram-valid.patch
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/bcm947xx.h
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/compressed/Makefile
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/compressed/Makefile.rej
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/gpio.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 23.
    1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/gpio.c.rej
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/irq.c
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/Makefile
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 15.
    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/Makefile.rej
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/nvram_linux.c
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 38 (offset 1 line).
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 251.
    Hunk #3 FAILED at 281.
    Hunk #4 succeeded at 508 with fuzz 1 (offset 193 lines).
    Hunk #5 succeeded at 537 (offset 193 lines).
    Hunk #6 succeeded at 1100 (offset 253 lines).
    2 out of 6 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/nvram_linux.c.rej
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/pcibios.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 26.
    Hunk #9 succeeded at 174 (offset -2 lines).
    Hunk #10 succeeded at 185 (offset -2 lines).
    Hunk #11 succeeded at 198 (offset -2 lines).
    Hunk #12 succeeded at 238 (offset -2 lines).
    Hunk #13 succeeded at 259 (offset -2 lines).
    Hunk #14 succeeded at 274 (offset -2 lines).
    Hunk #15 succeeded at 289 (offset -2 lines).
    1 out of 15 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/pcibios.c.rej
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/perfcntr.c
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/setup.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 18.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 32.
    Hunk #3 FAILED at 56.
    Hunk #4 FAILED at 112.
    Hunk #5 FAILED at 125.
    Hunk #6 FAILED at 173.
    Hunk #7 FAILED at 192.
    7 out of 7 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/setup.c.rej
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/time.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 20.
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 55 (offset 1 line).
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 84 (offset 1 line).
    Hunk #4 FAILED at 142.
    2 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/brcm-boards/bcm947xx/time.c.rej
    patching file arch/mips/brcm-boards/generic/Makefile
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/brcm-boards/generic/Makefile.rej
    patching file arch/mips/
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 194.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/
    patching file arch/mips/defconfig-bcm947xx
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 58.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 415.
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 594 (offset 8 lines).
    2 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/defconfig-bcm947xx.rej
    patching file arch/mips/kernel/entry.S
    patching file arch/mips/kernel/proc.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 129.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/kernel/proc.c.rej
    patching file arch/mips/kernel/setup.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 118.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/kernel/setup.c.rej
    patching file arch/mips/mm/c-mips32.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 660.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 677.
    Hunk #3 FAILED at 691.
    Hunk #4 FAILED at 699.
    4 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file arch/mips/mm/c-mips32.c.rej
    patching file drivers/char/hndprof/Makefile
    patching file drivers/char/Makefile
    patching file drivers/char/serial.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 436.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 1701.
    Hunk #3 FAILED at 1718.
    Hunk #4 FAILED at 5960.
    4 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/char/serial.c.rej
    patching file drivers/mtd/devices/sflash.c
    patching file drivers/mtd/maps/bcm947xx-flash.c
    patching file drivers/mtd/mtdchar.c
    patching file drivers/net/bcm57xx/Makefile
    patching file drivers/net/et/Makefile
    patching file drivers/net/hnd/
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 11.
    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/hnd/
    patching file drivers/net/hnd/Makefile
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 16.
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 62 (offset 3 lines).
    Hunk #4 succeeded at 97 (offset 3 lines).
    2 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/hnd/Makefile.rej
    patching file drivers/net/hnd/shared_ksyms.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 33.
    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/hnd/shared_ksyms.c.rej
    patching file drivers/net/hnd/
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/hnd/
    patching file drivers/net/il/Makefile
    patching file drivers/net/Makefile
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 271 (offset 10 lines).
    Hunk #2 succeeded at 284 (offset 10 lines).
    patching file drivers/net/wl/Makefile
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 14.
    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/wl/Makefile.rej
    patching file drivers/net/wl/wl_ap/Makefile
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 9.
    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/wl/wl_ap/Makefile.rej
    The next patch would create the file drivers/net/wl/wl_ap_onchip_g/Makefile,
    which already exists!  Applying it anyway.
    patching file drivers/net/wl/wl_ap_onchip_g/Makefile
    Patch attempted to create file drivers/net/wl/wl_ap_onchip_g/Makefile, which already exists.
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/wl/wl_ap_onchip_g/Makefile.rej
    patching file drivers/net/wl/wl_apsta/Makefile
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 9.
    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/wl/wl_apsta/Makefile.rej
    The next patch would create the file drivers/net/wl/wl_apsta_onchip_g/Makefile,
    which already exists!  Applying it anyway.
    patching file drivers/net/wl/wl_apsta_onchip_g/Makefile
    Patch attempted to create file drivers/net/wl/wl_apsta_onchip_g/Makefile, which already exists.
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/wl/wl_apsta_onchip_g/Makefile.rej
    patching file drivers/net/wl/wl_dngl/Makefile
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 9.
    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/wl/wl_dngl/Makefile.rej
    The next patch would create the file drivers/net/wl/wl_dngl_onchip_g/Makefile,
    which already exists!  Applying it anyway.
    patching file drivers/net/wl/wl_dngl_onchip_g/Makefile
    Patch attempted to create file drivers/net/wl/wl_dngl_onchip_g/Makefile, which already exists.
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/wl/wl_dngl_onchip_g/Makefile.rej
    patching file drivers/net/wl/
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 27.
    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/wl/
    patching file drivers/net/wl/wl_sta/Makefile
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 9.
    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/wl/wl_sta/Makefile.rej
    The next patch would create the file drivers/net/wl/wl_sta_onchip_g/Makefile,
    which already exists!  Applying it anyway.
    patching file drivers/net/wl/wl_sta_onchip_g/Makefile
    Patch attempted to create file drivers/net/wl/wl_sta_onchip_g/Makefile, which already exists.
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/net/wl/wl_sta_onchip_g/Makefile.rej
    patching file drivers/pci/pci.c
    patching file fs/exec.c
    patching file fs/fat/dir.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 349.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file fs/fat/dir.c.rej
    patching file fs/fat/file.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 62.
    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file fs/fat/file.c.rej
    patching file fs/fat/inode.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 406.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 552.
    Hunk #3 FAILED at 646.
    Hunk #4 FAILED at 955.
    Hunk #5 FAILED at 1031.
    5 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file fs/fat/inode.c.rej
    patching file fs/nls/nls_cp932.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 1414.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 1499.
    Hunk #3 succeeded at 1624 with fuzz 1 (offset 16 lines).
    Hunk #4 FAILED at 7740.
    3 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file fs/nls/nls_cp932.c.rej
    patching file fs/nls/nls_cp936.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 12.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 29.
    Hunk #3 FAILED at 44.
    Hunk #4 FAILED at 69.
    Hunk #5 FAILED at 112.
    Hunk #6 FAILED at 130.
    Hunk #7 FAILED at 143.
    Hunk #8 FAILED at 179.
    Hunk #9 FAILED at 312.
    Hunk #10 FAILED at 326.
    Hunk #11 FAILED at 428.
    Hunk #12 FAILED at 437.
    Hunk #13 FAILED at 465.
    Hunk #14 FAILED at 493.
    Hunk #15 FAILED at 529.
    Hunk #16 FAILED at 544.
    Hunk #17 FAILED at 578.
    Hunk #18 FAILED at 586.
    Hunk #19 FAILED at 605.
    Hunk #20 FAILED at 617.
    Hunk #21 FAILED at 643.
    Hunk #22 FAILED at 689.
    Hunk #23 FAILED at 721.
    Hunk #24 FAILED at 754.
    Hunk #25 FAILED at 787.
    Hunk #26 FAILED at 865.
    Hunk #27 FAILED at 900.
    Hunk #28 FAILED at 928.
    Hunk #29 FAILED at 995.
    Hunk #30 FAILED at 1035.
    Hunk #31 FAILED at 1066.
    Hunk #32 FAILED at 1113.
    Hunk #33 FAILED at 1126.
    Hunk #34 FAILED at 1144.
    Hunk #35 FAILED at 1160.
    Hunk #36 FAILED at 1195.
    Hunk #37 FAILED at 1515.
    Hunk #38 FAILED at 1551.
    Hunk #39 FAILED at 1566.
    Hunk #40 FAILED at 1601.
    Hunk #41 FAILED at 1627.
    Hunk #42 FAILED at 1643.
    Hunk #43 FAILED at 1678.
    Hunk #44 FAILED at 1690.
    Hunk #45 FAILED at 1728.
    Hunk #46 FAILED at 1764.
    Hunk #47 FAILED at 1795.
    Hunk #48 FAILED at 1823.
    Hunk #49 FAILED at 1831.
    Hunk #50 FAILED at 1859.
    Hunk #51 FAILED at 1869.
    Hunk #52 FAILED at 1941.
    Hunk #53 FAILED at 1952.
    Hunk #54 FAILED at 2012.
    Hunk #55 FAILED at 2039.
    Hunk #56 FAILED at 2050.
    Hunk #57 FAILED at 2075.
    Hunk #58 FAILED at 2123.
    Hunk #59 FAILED at 2131.
    Hunk #60 FAILED at 2144.
    Hunk #61 FAILED at 2156.
    Hunk #62 FAILED at 2187.
    Hunk #63 FAILED at 2230.
    Hunk #64 FAILED at 2255.
    Hunk #65 FAILED at 2265.
    Hunk #66 FAILED at 2299.
    Hunk #67 FAILED at 2324.
    Hunk #68 FAILED at 2344.
    Hunk #69 FAILED at 2378.
    Hunk #70 FAILED at 2396.
    Hunk #71 FAILED at 2410.
    Hunk #72 FAILED at 2455.
    Hunk #73 FAILED at 2478.
    Hunk #74 FAILED at 2487.
    Hunk #75 FAILED at 2511.
    Hunk #76 FAILED at 2526.
    Hunk #77 FAILED at 2550.
    Hunk #78 FAILED at 2563.
    Hunk #79 FAILED at 2589.
    Hunk #80 FAILED at 2619.
    Hunk #81 FAILED at 2635.
    Hunk #82 FAILED at 2648.
    Hunk #83 FAILED at 2704.
    Hunk #84 FAILED at 2768.
    Hunk #85 FAILED at 2778.
    Hunk #86 FAILED at 2811.
    Hunk #87 FAILED at 2832.
    Hunk #88 FAILED at 2846.
    Hunk #89 FAILED at 2869.
    Hunk #90 FAILED at 2883.
    Hunk #91 FAILED at 2923.
    Hunk #92 FAILED at 2976.
    Hunk #93 FAILED at 3010.
    Hunk #94 FAILED at 3026.
    Hunk #95 FAILED at 3046.
    Hunk #96 FAILED at 3081.
    Hunk #97 FAILED at 3118.
    Hunk #98 FAILED at 3233.
    Hunk #99 FAILED at 3269.
    Hunk #100 FAILED at 3299.
    Hunk #101 FAILED at 3309.
    Hunk #102 FAILED at 3332.
    Hunk #103 FAILED at 3391.
    Hunk #104 FAILED at 3450.
    Hunk #105 FAILED at 3524.
    Hunk #106 FAILED at 3557.
    Hunk #107 FAILED at 3643.
    Hunk #108 FAILED at 3701.
    Hunk #109 FAILED at 3739.
    Hunk #110 FAILED at 3768.
    Hunk #111 FAILED at 3804.
    Hunk #112 FAILED at 3873.
    Hunk #113 FAILED at 3883.
    Hunk #114 FAILED at 3918.
    Hunk #115 FAILED at 3947.
    Hunk #116 FAILED at 3992.
    Hunk #117 FAILED at 4003.
    Hunk #118 FAILED at 4054.
    Hunk #119 FAILED at 4071.
    Hunk #120 FAILED at 4099.
    Hunk #121 FAILED at 4139.
    Hunk #122 FAILED at 4199.
    Hunk #123 FAILED at 4218.
    Hunk #124 FAILED at 4246.
    Hunk #125 FAILED at 4284.
    Hunk #126 FAILED at 4294.
    Hunk #127 FAILED at 4310.
    Hunk #128 FAILED at 4318.
    Hunk #129 FAILED at 4367.
    129 out of 129 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file fs/nls/nls_cp936.c.rej
    patching file fs/nls/nls_cp949.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 12.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 1231.
    Hunk #3 FAILED at 1292.
    Hunk #4 FAILED at 2730.
    Hunk #5 FAILED at 2945.
    Hunk #6 FAILED at 3170.
    Hunk #7 FAILED at 3238.
    Hunk #8 FAILED at 3314.
    Hunk #9 FAILED at 3345.
    Hunk #10 FAILED at 3492.
    Hunk #11 FAILED at 3665.
    Hunk #12 FAILED at 3707.
    Hunk #13 FAILED at 3812.
    Hunk #14 FAILED at 3925.
    Hunk #15 FAILED at 3953.
    Hunk #16 FAILED at 4103.
    Hunk #17 FAILED at 4135.
    Hunk #18 FAILED at 4280.
    Hunk #19 FAILED at 4428.
    19 out of 19 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file fs/nls/nls_cp949.c.rej
    patching file fs/nls/nls_cp950.c
    Hunk #1 FAILED at 12.
    Hunk #2 FAILED at 23.
    Hunk #3 FAILED at 61.
    Hunk #4 FAILED at 71.
    Hunk #5 FAILED at 110.
    Hunk #6 FAILED at 127.
    Hunk #7 FAILED at 140.
    Hunk #8 FAILED at 164.
    Hunk #9 FAILED at 183.
    Hunk #10 FAILED at 199.
    Hunk #11 FAILED at 218.
    Hunk #12 FAILED at 236.
    Hunk #13 FAILED at 251.
    Hunk #14 FAILED at 272.
    Hunk #15 FAILED at 311.
    Hunk #16 FAILED at 324.
    Hunk #17 FAILED at 344.
    Hunk #18 FAILED at 356.
    Hunk #19 FAILED at 366.
    Hunk #20 FAILED at 379.
    Hunk #21 FAILED at 394.
    Hunk #22 FAILED at 415.
    Hunk #23 FAILED at 454.
    Hunk #24 FAILED at 465.
    Hunk #25 FAILED at 504.
    Hunk #26 FAILED at 524.
    Hunk #27 FAILED at 537.
    Hunk #28 FAILED at 562.
    Hunk #29 FAILED at 576.
    Hunk #30 FAILED at 598.
    Hunk #31 FAILED at 610.
    Hunk #32 FAILED at 632.
    Hunk #33 FAILED at 673.
    Hunk #34 FAILED at 705.
    Hunk #35 FAILED at 719.
    Hunk #36 FAILED at 743.
    Hunk #37 FAILED at 759.
    Hunk #38 FAILED at 780.
    Hunk #39 FAILED at 789.
    Hunk #40 FAILED at 811.
    Hunk #41 FAILED at 828.
    Hunk #42 FAILED at 848.
    Hunk #43 FAILED at 861.
    Hunk #44 FAILED at 885.
    Hunk #45 FAILED at 898.
    Hunk #46 FAILED at 926.
    Hunk #47 FAILED at 961.
    Hunk #48 FAILED at 976.
    Hunk #49 FAILED at 991.
    Hunk #50 FAILED at 1004.
    Hunk #51 FAILED at 1029.
    Hunk #52 FAILED at 1041.
    Hunk #53 FAILED at 1066.
    Hunk #54 FAILED at 1100.
    Hunk #55 FAILED at 1138.
    Hunk #56 FAILED at 1174.
    Hunk #57 FAILED at 1186.
    Hunk #58 FAILED at 1209.
    Hunk #59 FAILED at 1247.
    Hunk #60 FAILED at 1257.
    Hunk #61 FAILED at 1281.
    Hunk #62 FAILED at 1293.
    Hunk #63 FAILED at 1317.
    Hunk #64 FAILED at 1328.
    Hunk #65 FAILED at 1351.
    Hunk #66 FAILED at 1465.
    Hunk #67 FAILED at 1493.
    Hunk #68 FAILED at 1569.
    Hunk #69 FAILED at 2024.
    Hunk #70 FAILED at 2427.
    Hunk #71 FAILED at 2454.
    Hunk #72 FAILED at 2510.
    Hunk #73 FAILED at 2680.
    Hunk #74 FAILED at 3030.
    Hunk #75 FAILED at 3122.
    75 out of 75 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file fs/nls/nls_cp950.c.rej
    patching file include/linux/ip.h
    patching file include/linux/kernel.h
    patching file include/linux/ppp-comp.h
    Hunk #1 succeeded at 324 with fuzz 1 (offset 129 lines).
    patching file include/linux/sched.h
    patching file kernel/fork.c
    patching file Makefile
    patching file mm/mmap.c
    patching file mm/page_alloc.c
    patching file net/bridge/br_if.c
    patching file net/bridge/br_stp.c
    patching file net/bridge/br_stp_timer.c
    patching file net/bridge/Makefile
    patching file net/core/skbuff.c
    patching file net/ipv4/ip_forward.c
    patching file net/sched/sch_generic.c
    patching file scripts/cramfs/mkcramfs.c
    Can not apply kernel-brcm-src.patch cleanly
    make: *** [kernel] Error 1

  8. #8
    FYI 目前未上線
    或許由於近來3G 上網廣告打得兇, 讓少數網友開始考慮這種上網方式, 除了外出用之外, 如果在家也能分享給多台電腦, 多少能提高一點價值, DIYer 除了ASUS WL-HDD2.5 之外, 其實還可以選擇WL-500gP V1/V2 & WL-500W, 甚至老舊的WL-500b/g/gX, 現成的韌體則可採用koppel, koppel 修改自oleg, oleg 又是修改自ASUS 原廠韌體, 所以以上皆有一定的穩定性

    CDMA@wifi Download
    GPRS/3G/HSDPA/UMTS USB modem Huawei E220 on Asus router - HowTo - AsusForum.NET -- WL500g
    [How To]Install and Configure Olegs firmware - AsusForum.NET -- WL500g

  9. #9
    FYI 目前未上線
    小弟寫了一個以Reset 按鈕當作無線開關的Shell Script, 於是順便研究如何套用到ASUS WL-HDD, 但是遇到無法解決的難題, 因為現在才發現WL-HDD 的Reset 按鈕竟然是拿來 "power off" 用的, 按下四秒之後, LED (含PWR & WLAN) 全部熄滅, telnet 連線中斷, 無法開啟網頁和ping, 所以是關機了! 原本在CDMA@wifi - History of versions 找到一線曙光:
    /usr/local/sbin/resetpressed script is executed when pressing reset button and releasing when PWR light is off
    沒想到竟然就此泡滅, 而在Oleg (2007-04-06) 歷史紀錄提到:
    23. Disabled "power off" for all units except WL-HDD
    24. Pressing EZ SETUP button for 3 seconds would cause /usr/local/sbin/ez-setup to be executed
    看來這個方法暫時只能用在ASUS WL-500g 了!

    不知道有無高手能夠改一下原始程式碼, 至少把四秒就關機延長到十秒以上, 如此才有機會驗證到底/usr/local/sbin/resetpressed 有沒有作用, 小弟嘗試了幾次, 按下Reset 再默念123, 然而不是毫無反應, 再不然就是關機, 所以也就進行不下去, 換過好幾版韌體都無效, 乞求高手能出手相助一下

    How to disable the radio whenever possible - AsusForum.NET -- WL500g
    How to make /usr/local/sbin/resetpressed template work on WL-HDD? - AsusForum.NET -- WL500g


  1. Asus WL-HDD 實測與團購
    作者:thx 所在討論版:-- 網 路 硬 體 版
    回覆: 45
    最後發表: 2010-04-10, 11:33 AM
  2. ASUS WL-520GU Tomato RAF ND USB Firmware 1.23.8624 正體中文化
    作者:iFynder 所在討論版:-- 網 路 硬 體 版
    回覆: 5
    最後發表: 2010-03-23, 08:21 PM
  3. 【韌體】華碩 ASUS WL-HDD / WL-HDD2.5 韌體更新
    作者:FYI 所在討論版:-- 無 線 網 路 版
    回覆: 3
    最後發表: 2008-10-08, 12:06 PM
  4. 【問題】求教ASUS WL-550GE 更新為 Third party Firmware
    作者:tom1212 所在討論版:-- 網 路 硬 體 版
    回覆: 26
    最後發表: 2008-07-23, 05:21 PM
    作者:JJ701024 所在討論版:-- 網 路 硬 體 版
    回覆: 1
    最後發表: 2007-03-31, 02:59 PM




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