請問大家都用什麼檔案管理軟體咧? - 第2頁 - PCZONE 討論區

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板 主

WinNC 2000 Pro 2.02 的原文說明:

WinNc 2000 EN is a filemanager for Windows 95/98/2000 and NT4 (NT5). WinNc can replace the existing "Windows Explorer". WinNc uses the same key shortcuts and the same mouse functionality as a well known filemanager for DOS (NC). WinNc can connect to network neighborhoods, servers and other computers in a network. WinNc is able to view into
compressed files as if it were directories. WinNc has full drag and drop functionality. WinNc has a internal viewer that can view JPG, GIF, BMP, TGA, WMF, PCX, MP3, WAV, FLC, DOCS, XLS, HTML, MID and AVI. An internal viewer similar to the one in "NC, the well known filemanager for DOS" can view into large files of any extension. A part from that WinNc has a number of utilities that enable you to, e.g., split, encrypt(加密), ftp your files.


我用EF Commander在WinME會當機,而且很嚴重!


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請問大家都用什麼檔案管理軟體咧? Peace ---- 電 腦 / 網 路 軟 體 精 華 區 11 2001-04-01 01:05 AM

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