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superboy6699 2004-07-15 12:43 PM

我的電腦再開機掃描記憶體和硬碟...的那個畫面之後就停頓了然後下面就出現一行字 Floppy disk(s) fail(40) 然後一定要按 F1才能讓電腦繼續動作..這是為什麼呢?
接著系統教會讓我選要正常啟動Windows XP還是切換安全模式,而我是切換安全模式..結果接下來線籃底白字了然後就完全沒有反映了..
A problem has been detcded and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

If this is the first time you've sean this stop error screen,restart your computer ,if this screen a pears again follow these steps.

check for viruses on your computer ,Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drives controllerd and terminated,Run chkdsk /F to chkdsk for hard driver corruption , and then restart your computer.


Schnaufer 2004-07-15 07:29 PM

To superboy6699:


無名 2004-07-16 09:47 AM

[QUOTE][i]最初由 superboy6699 發表[/i]
我的電腦再開機掃描記憶體和硬碟...的那個畫面之後就停頓了然後下面就出現一行字 Floppy disk(s) fail(40) 然後一定要按 F1才能讓電腦繼續動作..這是為什麼呢?[/B][/QUOTE]

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