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gkkangel 2002-10-28 12:33 AM

回覆: win2000開機無法進入怎麼辦??? 【求助】
[QUOTE][i]最初由 ohmmho 發表[/i]
[B]我的win2000在跑 loding 畫面時跑到一半就出現以下的字要如何救回來ㄚ

*** STOP: 00x0000007B (0xed41B84C,0xC0000034,0x0000000,0x00000000)

If this is ... [/B][/QUOTE]

Check this...


:jump: :jump:

Se8La 2002-11-08 01:56 PM

【求助】更新CPU 主機板 win2000 無法開機 >"<
我有台電腦原先用PII的cpu 15GB的硬碟 最近更新CPU(P4)跟主機板
我將硬碟放入 電腦無法開機 出現錯誤訊息STOP消息 0x0000007B故障
各位前輩 是否有什麼 "撇步"? 不想耗這麼多時間在重灌上

拿顆B硬碟灌WIN2000 將A硬碟設為次要 將留存資料從A移到B
再將A硬碟設為主要 再重灌WIN2000 將B硬碟設為次要 將留存資料從B移到A


jacking1 2002-11-08 07:19 PM

1.用原來的主機版開機後卸載 SID碼後關機換上在換上新的主機版


Se8La 2002-11-08 08:15 PM

[QUOTE][i]最初由 jacking1 發表[/i]
[B]1.用原來的主機版開機後卸載 SID碼後關機換上在換上新的主機版

2.重灌,最快最方便的 [/B][/QUOTE]

卸載後重新安裝WIN2000 內容(以前安裝的應用軟體與連結 其他設定)還在嗎?

kwpt 2002-11-08 11:37 PM


donsun 2002-11-20 01:34 AM

換主機版 是要洗了重裝的
原因是主機版的晶片 不一定相同

magiclee 2004-02-01 05:03 PM

【求助】WIN2000 professional的藍白死亡訊息
WIN2000 professional的藍白死亡訊息


If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen,
restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow
these steps:

Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed
hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive
to make sure it is properly configured and terminated.
Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then
restart your computer.

Refer to your Getting Started manual for more information on
troubleshooting Stop errors.

因為WIN2000 Professional當機後就無法再開起來了.....唉

ericlien 2004-02-01 05:24 PM

The "Stop 0x0000007B" error message is a Windows 2000 Executive character-mode Stop error message. It can be caused by various issues. It may indicate that either a failure occurred during input/output (I/O) system initialization when the driver for the boot device initializes the device that Microsoft Windows is trying to start from, or that the file system did not initialize because it did not recognize the data that is stored on the boot device. This error message may occur in the following situations:
[color=red]**If Windows is installed on an unsupported disk or small computer system interface (SCSI) controller.
**After the installation of a new SCSI adapter or disk controller.
**When the disk was repartitioned with the system partition.[/color]

magiclee 2004-02-01 05:32 PM

謝謝 ericlien 的回答...
先說明一下 事發經過...
小弟當天正在 run game ,沒有對系統做任何的調整or變更,
只是遊戲run 到一半,系統當了 只好重開機...
結果就一直無法進到 win2k 了....

[QUOTE][i]最初由 ericlien 發表[/i]
The "Stop 0x0000007B" error message is a Windows 2000 Executive character-mode Stop error message. It can be caused by various issues. It may indicate that either a failure occurred during input/output (I/O) system initialization when the driver for the boot device initializes the device that Microsoft Windows is trying to start from, or that the file system did not initialize because it did not recognize the data that is stored on the boot device. This error message may occur in the following situations:
[color=red]**If Windows is installed on an unsupported disk or small computer system interface (SCSI) controller.
**After the installation of a new SCSI adapter or disk controller.
**When the disk was repartitioned with the system partition.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

ehawk 2004-02-01 06:09 PM


CD ROM開機進去用緊急修復片修不好, 檢查SDRAM.....Power全部都沒問題...

那就重灌吧, 重灌還有問題, 可能硬體檢查不確實.

所有時間均為 +8。現在的時間是 10:07 PM

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