【新聞】Windows Server 2003 Service Pack - PCZONE 討論區

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【新聞】Windows Server 2003 Service Pack

Windows Server 2003 Service Pack
微軟Windows產品團隊對其軟體測試人員發出了一封電子信件。在信件中,微軟Windows產品團隊透露,Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1將很快會被推出。

微軟對其Beta版本軟體測試人員表示,Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1將在2003年夏初推出試用。

回覆: 【新聞】Windows Server 2003 Service Pack
最初由 shenhwang 發表
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1將在2003年夏初推出試用。
這句翻譯可能容易令人誤會 應該是SP1程式計畫將從2003的夏天開始
給一般使用者使用的final build不可能那摸快出的


Dear Microsoft Beta Tester,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 Technical Beta program. This beta program is set to begin early summer.

BetaPlace will be our electronic distribution point for this technical beta program. Beta program information, code downloads and web bug reporting will be provided at http://www.BetaPlace.com.

This will be a download only release. We will be providing support for the beta program via private newsgroups.

We are excited about this upcoming release and look forward to working with you during this beta program.

Microsoft Windows Product Team


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