【轉貼】NetBios & WINS Free Windows - PCZONE 討論區

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-- Windows 討 論 版 包括 Windows 95/98/ME、Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003 等的疑難雜症解答與經驗分享。

【轉貼】NetBios & WINS Free Windows
.......the following files are for the networkconnection:...........
netmscli.inf -->MS Client
netbt.inf -->NetBios Protocol
netnwlnk.inf -->IPX/SPX/Netbios Protocol --> can be successfully freed up from Netbios
netserv.inf -->file and printer sharing service
nettcpip.inf --> standart TCP/IP Protocol

Now you may ask me why free up windows from that?
My answer is this Protocol is very chatty, opens the ports 137,138 and 139 and is only for compatibilities with Win 3.1x/win 9X, Win ME and Win NT 3+4.
For filesharing the port 445 can be used when disabled!



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