【閒聊】Lucky me.... - PCZONE 討論區

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-- 閒 話 家 常 灌 水 版 上 面 那 些 硬 梆 梆 的 專 業 話 題 插 不 上 話 ?? 那 就 來 這 邊 就 你 周 遭 網 路 上 或 生 活 上 的 話 題 來 哈 拉 一 下

【閒聊】Lucky me....
Today is my day! I have found a song which I was looking for for long time. When I was in U.S 2 years ago, I heard a R&B/Rap on the radio, but I didn't know the artist and the title of this song at that time. However, the rhythm and the lyrics impressed me a lot so I didn't forget it. Till last night, I heard this song again while I was watching a movie on HBO. Jesus! I was so surprised and happy. So I stayed focus on the screen after the movie is over. I got the song's title "The Light". When I was at office this morning, I keyed in the song title into the music search engine and I got the full information about this song! "The Light" by Common, album name: Like water for chocolate

I have made my mind, I will buy this album after work tonight.....

PS: I have to apologize cuz I couldn't type chinese in company's computer but I can't wait to express my happiness~~~~~


我找到很多首Common的歌,但就是沒有"THE LIGHT",實在很想聽看看!這張專輯除了THE LIGHT之外,其他歌聽起來怎麼樣呢?
一般: 【閒聊】Lucky me....
最初由 Onion_Head 發表
Today is my day! I have found a song which I was looking for for long time. When I was in U.S 2 years ago, I heard a R&B/Rap on the radio, but I didn't know the artist and the title of this song at that time. However, the rhythm and the lyrics impressed me a lot so I didn't forget it. Till last night, I heard this song again while I was watching a movie on HBO. Jesus! I was so surprised and happy. So I stayed focus on the screen after the movie is over. I got the song's title "The Light". When I was at office this morning, I keyed in the song title into the music search engine and I got the full information about this song! "The Light" by Common, album name: Like water for chocolate

I have made my mind, I will buy this album after work tonight.....

PS: I have to apologize cuz I couldn't type chinese in company's computer but I can't wait to express my happiness~~~~~

007 明日帝國的主題曲"Tomorrow Never Dies"
唱的人是Sheryl Crow


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