445/TCP 與 445/UDP 是做啥的?

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  1. #1
    會員 wowhsieh 的大頭照

    445/TCP 與 445/UDP 是做啥的?

    請問下述的服務是做啥用的? 在防火牆或路由器上是否需做相關設定才可以通過?
    microsoft-ds 445/tcp
    microsoft-ds 445/udp

  2. #2
    WebSphereMania Schnaufer 的大頭照
      PORT 445 TCP/UDP is for Microsoft CIFS(Common Internet File System).

      CIFS is an extension of the Server Message Block (SMB) file sharing protocol.

      With it, any application that processes network I/O using the Win32 API can access and manipulate files and directories on remote servers in the same way that it accesses and manipulates files and directories on the local system.

      CIFS and HTTP differ primarily in that CIFS supports file sharing for any application, and not just browsers.
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microsoft ds 445


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