請問誰會使用82550 Pro/100S 雙埠網卡指定同一ip

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  1. #1

    請問誰會使用82550 Pro/100S 雙埠網卡指定同一ip

    Adaptive Load Balancing Overview
    Adaptive Load Balancing (ALB) is a simple and efficient way to balance the transmission load of your server among two to eight PRO/100 Server adapters. With ALB you group PRO/100 Server adapters in teams. The ALB software continuously analyzes transmit loading on each adapter and balances the rate across the adapters as needed. Adapter teams configured for ALB also provide the benefits of AFT. Received data is not load-balanced.

    我找到上述的2個檔案 但是下一步該如何ㄋ 請教各位吧 感激不盡!!!!

  2. #2
    ps 目前未上線
    會員 ps 的大頭照

    Re: 請問誰會使用82550 Pro/100S 雙埠網卡指定同一ip

    最初由 pipein 發表
    Adaptive Load Balancing Overview
    Adaptive Load Balancing (ALB) is a simple and efficient way to balance the transmission load of your server among two to eight PRO/100 Server adapters. With ALB you group PRO/100 Server adapters in teams. The ALB software continuously analyzes transmit loading on each adapter and balances the rate across the adapters as needed. Adapter teams configured for ALB also provide the benefits of AFT. Received data is not load-balanced.

    我找到上述的2個檔案 但是下一步該如何ㄋ 請教各位吧 感激不盡!!!!
    把 ALB 安裝起來
    將畫面上的兩個PORT MARK 選合併



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雙port 網卡


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