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Results of cFosSpeed RWIN-Expansion-Award 2012

A lot of users don't get the maximum speed available for their Internet connection. In many cases the TCP Auto-Tuning of Windows 7/ Windows Vista cannot use the full download speed. In other cases the downloading programs are not written for today's high speed connections. cFosSpeed's RWIN expansion now accelerates these downloads by dynamically expanding the receive window size of the TCP connection to a value suitable for the current connection. This leads to unexpected speed improvements!
For example, we could double the download speed with Internet Explorer and nearly triple the speed of mobile UMTS downloads.

To demonstrate these dramatic speed improvements we (with the help of our users) compiled a list of scenarios in which the new cFosSpeed RWIN Expansion achieves these huge speed improvements.

官網: cFosSpeed - 藉由「通信量調整」更快地存取網際網路 - 網際網路加速器 + Ping 最佳化程式 - cFos Software GmbH