【問題】Outlook 2007 如何收取 Yahoo的電子郵件

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  1. #1
    ADSL 2M/256

    【問題】Outlook 2007 如何收取 Yahoo的電子郵件

    想請問一下如何在Outlook2007中收取Yahoo的電子郵件 (請注意,是美國的@yahoo.com,而非台灣的@yahoo.com.tw帳號),小弟找了許多Google上的程式與方法(e.g. freepops),目前皆無法如願。感恩任何專家的指點迷津!!

    以下是小弟根據Yahoo網頁上的說明去操作的,可是每當試著要去收Yahoo信箱的郵件時,Outlook要我輸入網路密碼的對話窗便一直重複出現(帳號與密碼皆正確無誤,帳號我試過僅輸入使用者帳號 xxxx 或是 [email protected]皆沒有任何幫助),無法收取任何信件。

    Microsoft Outlook 98 and 2000

    To add a new email account to your existing profile:

    1. From the Tools menu, select "Accounts." If you do not see "Accounts," place your cursor over the two arrows at the bottom of the list to display more choices.
    2. Click the "Add" button.
    3. From the Add menu, click "Mail."
    4. In the Display Name box, type your name as you would like it to appear when you send a message, and click "Next."
    5. In the Email Address box, enter your Yahoo! Mail address (for example, "[email protected]") and click "Next."
    6. In the box labeled "My incoming mail server is a..." select "POP3" server.
    7. Type "pop.mail.yahoo.com" in the Incoming Mail (POP3 or IMAP) Server box.
    8. Type "smtp.mail.yahoo.com" in the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server box.
    9. Click "Next."
    10. In the Account Name box, enter your Yahoo! Mail ID (your email address without the "@yahoo.com").
    11.In the Password box, enter your Yahoo! Mail password.
    12. Check "Remember Password" if you do not want Outlook to prompt you for your password each time you check your mail.
    13. Do not check the box labeled "Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)."
    14. Click "Next."
    15. Choose the appropriate connection type under the "Which Method Do You Use to Connect to the Internet" heading.
    16. If you chose "Connect using my phone line," you will need to select a dial-up connection in the Dial-up Connection Wizard and click "Next."
    17. Click "Finish."
    18. Select 'pop.mail.yahoo.com' under 'Account,' and click 'Properties.'
    19. Click the 'Advanced' tab.
    20. Under "Incoming Server (POP3)", check the box next to "This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL). The port number in the "Incoming Server (POP3) field should automatically change from 110 to 995. If it doesn't, make sure the port number is set to 995.
    21. Under "Outgoing Server (SMTP)", check the box next to "This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL). Enter port number "465" in the "Outgoing Server (SMTP)" field.

    此文章於 2007-02-04 04:34 AM 被 bhchen 編輯。

  2. #2
    FTTH 50M/5M 固定+50M/5M浮動 + MOD + KOD

    回覆: 【問題】Outlook 2007 如何收取 Yahoo的電子郵件



  3. #3

    回覆: 【問題】Outlook 2007 如何收取 Yahoo的電子郵件

    免費的才須要用 FreePOPs ( or YPOPs! )
    我是用 Becky! + YPOPs! , 不管是 @yahoo.com.tw or @yahoo.com 都可以用.

    若是付費的 Yahoo! Mail Plus 才是直接用 POP access.


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smtp.mail.yahoo.com.hk microsoft outlook 2007



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