【求助】MSN Messenger 語音部分 只能由別人邀請我 我不能主動邀請別人


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2003-02-06, 05:55 PM

我在美國 去年底留學歸國 回台灣之前在美國買了這一台 之前沒帶回台灣 我在美國測試好幾遍 都是很正常 帶回台灣後 無線或是有線部份 一切都很正常
Wireless Access Point Router with 4-Port Switch - Version 2

我的電腦2月9日 才會靠高雄港
OS: Windows Me
ISP: Giga 2-Way Cable
Cable Modem: SB3100

MSN Messenger語音 問題發生了
一定要別人邀請我使用語音 我按接受 連線才能建立
如果由我邀請別人 那麼別人按接受 連線無法建立
我嚐試開 dmz port 結果可以了 問題解決了
因為dmz 只有一個
雖然只要每次設定dmz port就行了 還是每次語音 請對方邀請 我家的電腦才行
說麻煩 也不會很麻煩啦 我只想查出個原因

我想找出原因 那就是為什麼在美國可以

另外 無論我傳給對方檔案或是對方傳給我檔案都沒問題


我還沒帶回台灣之前 都沒有這個問題

此外 它的無線網路部分 真是令我滿意極了
我在美國 平房House 石灰木板屋 測試 拿 Linksys的無線筆記型網路卡 (筆記型電腦是IBM)
在我家 三樓透天厝 鋼筋水泥屋 測試拿Cisco的無線筆記型網路卡(筆記型電腦是Compaq)

這一個無線AP router 放在二樓半(後半部)
筆記型電腦在我的房間 三樓(後半部) 訊號強度 90%-100% 訊號品質100%
筆記型電腦在我的客廳 一樓(前半部)
訊號強度 30%-35% 訊號品質100%

台灣的鋼筋水泥 的房子 訊號的穿透率 還是那麼強
出乎我意料之外 比在美國石灰木板屋 訊號還強 真是我嘖嘖稱奇


2003-02-07, 10:40 AM

2003-02-07, 05:37 PM
最初由 dominic 發表
現在的新技術 不是用你想的那樣啦
這跟連幾台電腦沒關係啦 我可以使用IP分享的功能 但是只有接一台上網

MSN messeger 語音 視訊 是同樣的性質
要能建立連線 就都可以建立連線 無論哪一方邀請哪一方
我的情況是可以建立 語音連線 但是前提是要別人邀請我才可以

Linksys的 router 是世界上賣最好的 ip分享器
連我在美國 的ISP公司www.cox.net 都指定用這個牌子
大賣場 Bestbuy 的維修人員 也是一致推薦 這一台是同樣價位市面上最強的 IP分享器

我在美國的同學幾乎都用這一個牌子的 ip分享器

我在美國和兩位室友共有三台電腦 用得嚇嚇叫 沒有問題
事實上 這各牌子 就是標榜支援 支援多台同時使用MSN Messenger Yahoo, ICQ ... 的語音 視訊 檔案

Bestbuy賣場裡有 D-link 和Linksys 這兩各大牌子
每次都是 Linksys被拿光了 D-Link還是堆積如山

在美國都沒有這種問題 所以我懷疑難道是台灣和美國網路不一樣

2003-02-08, 09:57 AM
最初由 chih_haohung 發表
現在的新技術 不是用你想的那樣啦
這跟連幾台電腦沒關係啦 我可以使用IP分享的功能 但是只有接一台上網

MSN messeger 語音 視訊 是同樣的性質
要能建立連線 就都可以建立連線 無論哪一方邀請哪一方
我的情況是可以建立 語音連線 但是前提是要別人邀請我才可以

Linksys的 router 是世界上賣最好的 ip分享器
連我在美國 的ISP公司www.cox.net 都指定用這個牌子
大賣場 Bestbuy 的維修人員 也是一致推薦 這一台是同樣價位市面上最強的 IP分享器

我在美國的同學幾乎都用這一個牌子的 ip分享器

我在美國和兩位室友共有三台電腦 用得嚇嚇叫 沒有問題
事實上 這各牌子 就是標榜支援 支援多台同時使用MSN Messenger Yahoo, ICQ ... 的語音 視訊 檔案

Bestbuy賣場裡有 D-link 和Linksys 這兩各大牌子
每次都是 Linksys被拿光了 D-Link還是堆積如山

在美國都沒有這種問題 所以我懷疑難道是台灣和美國網路不一樣

更新軔體看看吧,因為MSN Messenger 5.0以後vioce方面好像傳輸的技術跟4.6的不一樣,僅供參考

2003-02-09, 12:11 PM
試試看安裝DirectX8.1吧,M$N Messenger的線上指引有說明NAT所需要的環境,
DirectX 8.1是其中一項(好像是UPnP需要新的DirectPlay支援)。


2003-02-09, 01:32 PM
最初由 LordVader 發表
試試看安裝DirectX8.1吧,M$N Messenger的線上指引有說明NAT所需要的環境,
DirectX 8.1是其中一項(好像是UPnP需要新的DirectPlay支援)。

以下是Linksys 公司回給我的信
所有方法我都試過了 都沒用

我的問題是可以在MSN Messenger建立語音連線
但是只可以對方邀請我 不能我邀請對方

一般來說 MSN Messeger 語音交談
可以建立 如果可以建立的話 不可能再分 只能誰邀請誰的區分

Dear Valued Linksys Customer,

Thank you for contacting Linksys Customer Support.

That is indeed an odd behavior of the router.

You might want to hard-reset the router. You can do this by pressing the reset button for at least "30" secs. You need to have a back-up copy of your previous configuration because this will erase all your current settings. If this won't work, try the possible work around:

-Try to hold reset with power off.

-If this won't work, try to hold reset while plugging in.

-If neither of the steps work, try to power on and hold reset. Then pull the plug. Power on again.

And then, try to configure the router for your internet connection. See if there is any change in the behaviour of the router.

If still, there is no change, you might want to try opening the following port:

Forward ports 6891-6900 to enable File send
Forward port 6901 to enable voice communications

IN TCP 6891 - 6900
IN TCP 1863
IN UDP 1863
IN UDP 5190
IN UDP 6901
IN TCP 6901

Please take note that static ip address must be set to your pc to make port forwarding work. If you’ve set your router as a dhcp server, it would be advisable to ***ign a static ip address below the ip range of your dhcp. For example, the starting dhcp ip address of your router is Then, it would be advisable to use the ip range of –

Below are steps on how to do Port Forwarding;

1. Open the web browser and type the router's IP Address

2. Enter the Username and P***word by default leave username blank and type admin for the p***word.

3. Click the Advanced Tab, then Forwarding Page.

4. On the Customized Application, type in the name of your application.

5. In the Ext. Port. enter the port number.

5. On the Protocol click on the TCP/UDP, depending on what protocol is the internet application is using.

6. On the IP Address, enter the specific IP address that you are using.

7. Click Apply then Continue.

In order for your router to successfully forward ports, the SPI feature of the router should be disabled. This feature checks the

state of a packet to verify that the destination IP address matches the source IP of the original request. SPI opens the ports as needed

SPI as "Dynamic Port Forwarding".

Kindly enable the multicast p*** through feature of the router. Multicast p*** through is enabled so that the router will allow

multiple transmissions to p*** to a specific recipients at the same time.

1. Enter your router's web based utility.

2. Click on the Filters tab.

3. Enable MultiCast P*** Through.

4. Click on Apply.

You might want to adjust the MTU setting of your router. MTU also known as ,"Maximum Transmissible Unit", is the maximum size a packet can be in a network.

This is how MTU works.

When a TCP connection is made a SYN/SYN-ACK exchange is the first thing done. The client sends the SYN and the server replies with the SYN-ACK. In these messages the MTUs are included so each can send packets of the right size to the other end. Actually MSS (Maximum Segment Size) is sent but for TCPIP that's a value that excludes TCPIP headers and is always 40 less (MTU=1492 is MSS=1452).

On outbound connections the LinkSys will actually change this MSS value on-the-fly to be what the setting is. You could say the LinkSys "enforces" the MTU that is set. Even if the PC sends MTU=1500 the LinkSys changes it in the SYN packet - this is how the other end *really* sees 1492 (if that is what the LinkSys is set to). This is desirable since you can run your LAN at 1500 MTU yet go out to the net at 1492 automatically!

But server connections don't seem to get this help. Not only that, the ISP equipment and/or the DSL modem lets these SYNs come in saying they're 1500 MTU! The LinkSys does no alteration (it's INbound not OUTbound). The PC is happy (it's 1500 MTU after all) so these 2 ends try 1500 MTU.... BUT THAT DOESN'T WORK ON PPPoE!

The result is large packets (above 1492 MTU) will not transfer well at all and usually just hangs the TCP stack.

One funny thing you WILL see... small data transfers of, for example, small directories or small html files DO get through OK. This is because the packet size never reaches a fatal value.

Here are some guidelines in adjusting the MTU setting:


1. Open the web browser and type the router’s IP Address.

2. Enter the Username and P***word.

3. Click the Advanced Tab, then Filter Page.

4. Enable MTU and enter your desired size.

5. Click Apply then Continue.

Or use this shortcut .

Changing the MTU setting allows you to set an MTU value in your router and should correct problems regarding web browsing, downloading, email sending/receiving, and FTP. Try to ***ign values such as 1382 or 1400 or 1450 or 1492 and see which has the most stable connection.

Lastly, make sure that block wan request is disabled. Block WAN Request can prevent your network from being "pinged," or detected, by

other Internet users. The Block WAN Request feature also reinforces your network security by hiding your network ports. Both functions of

the Block WAN Request feature make it more difficult for outside users to work their way into your network. Kindly see the steps in disabling

the block wan request.

Steps :

1. Open the web browser and type the router's IP Address.

2. Enter the Username and P***word.

3. Click Advanced Tab. then Filters page.

4. Under the Block WAN IP Address option, click disable.

5. Click Apply then Continue.

If you have further questions, please contact us at (800) 326-7114 or send us an email at [email protected] so that we may further ***ist you. Please use this phone number given as reference for future support calls.


Anna Rowena D. Reyes

Product Support Representative


This correspondence is considered confidential and any reproduction for the purpose of public disclosure is forbidden without written permission by the author signed above. Please keep all previous emails as a point of reference.


2003-02-13, 01:47 PM
M$N MEssenger防火牆/NAT內語音通訊的網路設定 (http://help.msn.com/!data/zh_tw/data/messengerv50.its51/$content$/netguideother.htm)

2003-02-14, 04:24 PM
最初由 LordVader 發表
M$N MEssenger防火牆/NAT內語音通訊的網路設定 (http://help.msn.com/!data/zh_tw/data/messengerv50.its51/$content$/netguideother.htm)

前天剛剛我的物品 終於運到我家了
等了一個多月 從美國奧克拉荷馬州運到台灣高雄市

現在我用我的電腦(在美國自己組裝的) 都可以用了

難道是我姐姐那台筆記型電腦 不相容嗎?
還是這一台筆記型電腦的外接網路卡 出了問題呢???

真可惜 我手邊沒有多餘的筆記型電腦 可以讓我試一下??

不過可以確定 我這一台從美國 買回來的無線Router 沒問題了

2003-03-06, 12:57 PM
台北WIN98SE,台東WinXP pro
1.WinXP pro啟動Window Messenger(重點:不可啟動Netmeeting)
2.WIN98SE啟動Window Messenger,看到台東在線,點它,邀請它
5.enjoy it!!!
1.WinXP pro 不可主動邀請WIN98SE,祇能被WIN98SE邀請
2.WinXP pro端不可啟動Netmeeting,包括曾經啟動,之後斷線.總之就是按右上角那個"X"把它砍了就是.
3.若WinXP pro端的Netmeeting掛著(縱使是離線),WinXP pro端同意接受邀請時,系統發現已經有一個Netmeeting啟動,認為你已經在執行Netmeeting,會忽略同意接受第二個邀請,也就不會啟動第二個Netmeeting(我猜測WinXP pro不允許同時一個以上的Netmeeting).

2003-03-06, 02:30 PM