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basuya 2005-06-10 10:56 PM

[分享] HDDlife 免費的硬碟監控軟體
[b]HDDlife 免費的硬碟監控軟體[/b]


廢話不多說,先來看看底下工作中的 HDDlife 螢幕擷取畫面:(說明在圖片底部)

這張螢幕擷取圖顯示硬碟的健康狀態不是很好,而且硬碟的壽命正處於危險中。這樣的情況下,建議您讓 HDDlife 繼續在背景模式下執行,持續讓 HDDlife 自動監控硬碟狀態。此外,您應該要開始備份您的資料囉。

在這張圖,您可以看到 HDDlife 查到硬碟的健康與壽命幾乎達到最慘的水準,建議您立刻備份您的重要資料,然後盡快替換您的硬碟。

這張圖 HDDlife 正在背景模式下運作,在工作列通知區域顯示硬碟溫度、健康和壽命狀態,數字越低表示您要開始擔心了

HDDlife is the protection of your personal information!

Your relatives' photos, your tourist videos, your diary and notebook, messages from friends, business information and documents - are you ready to lose it all at once?

All your data , everything you need both for your work and for your rest is stored on the hard drive of your computer even after it is switched off . It is the hard drive , not the processor , of your computer that really matters to you because if it breaks down , all your data – both personal and business – will be permanently lost.

Knowing about a possible failure in the work of your hard drive means having time to prevent all your data from being lost . HDDlife is a usable program that will allow you to control the health of your hard drive using an intuitive interface. Just run the program and it will show you the list of your disks with the percentage of their health left , as well as their temperature.

HDDlife can work in the preventative mode when it checks the health of your hard drives at regular intervals and informs you about the results of these checks in an unobtrusive way. If you get warned about a possible hard drive failure , you will protect yourself against losing your naturally priceless personal data.

上面的『豆芽菜』意思是說,現在有很多人都將私人或公事的資料存 放在硬碟,但是卻茫茫不知道硬碟有可能隨時損壞,而造成遺憾。HDDlife的使命就是給使用者一個提示,它可以告知使用者目前硬碟的『健康狀況』、『溫 度』甚至是『壽命』,好讓使用者能有從容的時間備份重要的資料。

[b]HDDlife 主要特點:[/b]
• 使用 S.M.A.R.T 技術,控制您的硬碟健康。
• 在背景方式下經常監測您的硬碟狀態。
• 顯示您的硬碟溫度。(這項功能需要主機板與硬碟支援)
• 更完整的功能,請自行參考[url=http://www.hddlife.com]官方網站[/url]



Spen 2005-06-10 11:45 PM

好奇的是 他如何判斷硬碟壽命?

basuya 2005-06-11 12:43 AM

[QUOTE=Spen]好奇的是 他如何判斷硬碟壽命?[/QUOTE]

SMART (Self Monitoring Analysisand Reporting Technology自動監視分析與報告技術)是在ATA-3標準中正式提出的一項技術,由Quantum和Compaq公司聯合開發,用於對硬盤工作狀態進行監測,可以在主板BIOS的配合下自動監測硬盤的工作狀態。



arguskao 2005-06-11 01:13 PM

[QUOTE=basuya][b]HDDlife 免費的硬碟監控軟體[/b]


廢話不多說,先來看看底下工作中的 HDDlife 螢幕擷取畫面:(說明在圖片底部)

這張螢幕擷取圖顯示硬碟的健康狀態不是很好,而且硬碟的壽命正處於危險中。這樣的情況下,建議您讓 HDDlife 繼續在背景模式下執行,持續讓 HDDlife 自動監控硬碟狀態。此外,您應該要開始備份您的資料囉。

在這張圖,您可以看到 HDDlife 查到硬碟的健康與壽命幾乎達到最慘的水準,建議您立刻備份您的重要資料,然後盡快替換您的硬碟。

這張圖 HDDlife 正在背景模式下運作,在工作列通知區域顯示硬碟溫度、健康和壽命狀態,數字越低表示您要開始擔心了

HDDlife is the protection of your personal information!

Your relatives' photos, your tourist videos, your diary and notebook, messages from friends, business information and documents - are you ready to lose it all at once?

All your data , everything you need both for your work and for your rest is stored on the hard drive of your computer even after it is switched off . It is the hard drive , not the processor , of your computer that really matters to you because if it breaks down , all your data – both personal and business – will be permanently lost.

Knowing about a possible failure in the work of your hard drive means having time to prevent all your data from being lost . HDDlife is a usable program that will allow you to control the health of your hard drive using an intuitive interface. Just run the program and it will show you the list of your disks with the percentage of their health left , as well as their temperature.

HDDlife can work in the preventative mode when it checks the health of your hard drives at regular intervals and informs you about the results of these checks in an unobtrusive way. If you get warned about a possible hard drive failure , you will protect yourself against losing your naturally priceless personal data.

上面的『豆芽菜』意思是說,現在有很多人都將私人或公事的資料存 放在硬碟,但是卻茫茫不知道硬碟有可能隨時損壞,而造成遺憾。HDDlife的使命就是給使用者一個提示,它可以告知使用者目前硬碟的『健康狀況』、『溫 度』甚至是『壽命』,好讓使用者能有從容的時間備份重要的資料。

[b]HDDlife 主要特點:[/b]
• 使用 S.M.A.R.T 技術,控制您的硬碟健康。
• 在背景方式下經常監測您的硬碟狀態。
• 顯示您的硬碟溫度。(這項功能需要主機板與硬碟支援)
• 更完整的功能,請自行參考[url=http://www.hddlife.com]官方網站[/url]



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