about Painter6 brushes

2001-07-07, 02:00 AM
I have lost the original painter5.5 application cd but i only backed up some files and the program seems to be working normal but the optional painter 5.5 brushes are all gone and i need those brushes.... can anyone kind enough to give me some hints where i can find the painter5.5 brushes--the
"painter5_5.brs" file...:confused:

2001-07-08, 03:14 PM
最初由 timtam
I have lost the original painter5.5 application cd but i only backed up some files and the program seems to be working normal but the optional painter 5.5 brushes are all gone and i need those brushes.... can anyone kind enough to give me some hints where i can find the painter5.5 brushes--the
"painter5_5.brs" file...:confused:

英文偶不太懂,偶用中文回答 :p

Painter 5.5 的brush 位在/Stuff/Brushes裡
Painter 6 的brush 位在/Content/Brushes裡
:D :D :D