
2002-10-10, 06:56 PM
硬碟format後無法灌win me 作業程式
出現stand mode:fault in MS DOS Extender

2002-10-11, 11:10 AM
以下是從 WinME 的 setup.txt 剪貼下來的,做個參考:

Standard Mode Messages
If you get any of the following error messages, remove any
memory managers (such as EMM386.exe, QEMM, or 386Max) from
your Config.sys file, and then run Setup again.

Standard Mode: Invalid DPMI return.
Standard Mode: Fault in MS-DOS Extender.
Standard Mode: Bad Fault in MS-DOS Extender.
Standard Mode: Unknown stack in fault dispatcher.
Standard Mode: Stack Overflow.

NOTE: If you still have problems, add EMM386.exe back into
your Config.sys file and exclude all ranges. For example:

device=c:\windows\emm386.exe x=A000-FFFF

If you encounter these messages or if your computer stops
responding during Setup, turn on double-buffering in
SmartDrive. Several SCSI hard drives and some ESDI drives
require double-buffering.

To turn on double buffering, add the following line to
the beginning of your Config.sys file:

device=c:\windows\smartdrv.exe /double_buffer+

where "c:\windows" is the path to your Windows directory.