以下是教你如何設定讓你的Flashget 與 Getright 能延長等候時間,增加下載成功率.

2001-05-09, 03:19 PM
以下是教你如何設定讓你的Flashget 與 Getright 能延長等候時間,增加下載成功率.
Make sure your download manager waits long enough for the data transfer to start.

GetRight is 600 seconds (10 minutes),), but netffice often makes you wait for 15 Minutes or longer.Therefore it will
be necessary to "hack" GetRight's registry settings. I suggest you set HKCU/Software/HeadLight/GetRight/Config/ConnectTimeout
to the value of 3600 (decimal) = 1 hour. To edit the registry, run "regedit.exe".

FlashGet also has a limit of 600 seconds. Run "regedit.exe" , and set

to the value of e10 (hexadecimal [十六進位]) = 3600 (decimal[十進位]) = 1 hour