IEEE已確認WiFi無線網路 802.11n規格

2009-09-24, 10:36 PM
從2002年提出的WiFi無線網路 802.11n規格(最近兩年才大量商業化產品出來), 於日前IEEE終於確認其規格, 真是難以相信!(大量商品化都已經兩年了, 規格才確定) pre-N, Draft-N 商品大家都用了

對於網通設備製造商(相關網通製造商股票應該會漲, 值得留意一下)也是件利多大事, 因為產品不必因為規格未定而一直要修
改, 浪費人力,金錢, 時間 WiFi 802.11n最高速度確認為 600Mbps(最終版), 2009年10月份會正式對外公布
IEEE Issues WiFI 802.11n (finally)
The IEEE has finally ratified the 802.11n-2009 amendment to the WiFi standard. Hard to believe, but work on this amendment has been going on since 2002. Vendors can finally ship standard 802.11n devices, which provide both increased data rates (up to 600 Mbps, but don’t hold your breath) and range for WiFi networks. More than 400 individuals from 40 countries participated in creating this amendment, and it is to be published sometime in October 2009.

2009-09-25, 06:44 PM