
2005-02-23, 08:04 AM

小弟的 server OS 跑的是 RH7.3
Samba 版本是2.2.7
client 都是 windows XP pro sp2

global 端 security 設為 share
除了 Public 以外,還有個分享資源設為:
comment = Tony Only
path = /home/tony/Tony
read only = no
valid users = tony
browsable = no
create mask = 0777

也就是說,只有 tony 這個使用者可以用 smbpassword 登入並取得所有權限,運作也沒有問題
當 tony 到任何一部電腦登入 \\server name\Tony 後,關閉網芳視窗再開啟一次,還是可以看到資料...
也就是說,除非登出 windows 或關機重開,否則別人可以不需要 tony 的密碼就能取得 tony 的資料

後來看了一下 man smb.conf ,有這樣一個參數:
deadtime (G)
The value of the parameter (a decimal integer) represents the number of minutes of inactivity before a connection is considered dead, and it is disconnected. The deadtime only takes effect if the number of open files is zero.

This is useful to stop a server's resources being exhausted by a large number of inactive connections.

Most clients have an auto-reconnect feature when a connection is broken so in most cases this parameter should be transparent to users.

Using this parameter with a timeout of a few minutes is recommended for most systems.

A deadtime of zero indicates that no auto-disconnection should be performed.

Default: deadtime = 0

Example: deadtime = 15

於是就在 global 端設定
deadtime = 3
唯一有效果的,是用 netstat -na 看連線時,3分鐘後這個 port139 的連線會成為 time wait 然後斷掉

1. 會不會是 security 不可以為 share 呢?
2. 有沒有可能是 windows 端的問題?
3. 還是小弟根本搞錯參數,還有別的參數可以達成?
