中華電信贈送的那台無線AP 型號是 3CRWE454G72 在2004/06/04 已釋放新版韌體 連結如下 http://www.3com.com/products/en_US/r...G72&order=desc
Updates in This Release

Support for Nitro performance enhancements for 802.11 b/g networks
Packet Bursting - A subset of the draft 802.11e QoS specification that allows a transmitting device to send more data frames per given time period by reducing the overhead associated with wireless transmissions. Packet Bursting delivers throughput enhancement in mixed b/g and g-only networks.
A default Gateway can be specified when setting a static IP address
其實在官方網站上也看的到 我只是Copy下來而已 有需要的 請自行下載
另外 3CRWE554G72 (就是有4Port Switch的那台) 則目前沒有更新檔