
echo "Please keyin your account"
read account
echo "Please keyin your password"
read password
echo "Please keyin remote path"
read sadd
echo "Please keyin local mount point"
read dadd

echo $account
echo $password
echo $sadd
echo $dadd
all="mount -t smbfs -o username="$account",password="$password" -o rw -o iocharset=big5 -o codepage=950 "$sadd" "$dadd""
echo $all
mount -t smbfs -o username="$account",password="$password" -o rw -o iocharset=big5 -o codepage=950 "$sadd" "$dadd"


[root@mdk90 mnt]# sh go1.sh
Please keyin your account
Please keyin your password
Please keyin remote path
"//piii-1g/ftp (F)"
Please keyin local mount point
"//piii-1g/ftp (F)"
mount -t smbfs -o username=ericshei,password=abcde -o rw -o iocharset=big5 -o codepage=950 "//piii-1g/ftp (F)" /mnt/home/40g --->變數$all的內容
Usage: mount.smbfs service mountpoint [-o options,...]
Version 2.2.6pre2

username= SMB username
password= SMB password
credentials= file with username/password
netbiosname= source NetBIOS name
uid= mount uid or username
gid= mount gid or groupname
port= remote SMB port number
fmask= file umask
dmask= directory umask
debug= debug level
ip= destination host or IP address
workgroup= workgroup on destination
sockopt= TCP socket options
scope= NetBIOS scope
iocharset= Linux charset (iso8859-1, utf8)
codepage= server codepage (cp850)
ttl= dircache time to live
guest don't prompt for a password
ro mount read-only
rw mount read-write

This command is designed to be run from within /bin/mount by giving
the option '-t smbfs'. For example:
mount -t smbfs -o username=tridge,password=foobar //fjall/test /data/test
[root@mdk90 mnt]# mount -t smbfs -o username=ericshei,password=abcde -o rw -o iocharset=big5 -o codepage=950 "//piii-1g/ftp (F)" /mnt/home/40g--->貼上變數$all的內容執行就接收
[root@mdk90 mnt]# cd home/
[root@mdk90 home]# cd ..
[root@mdk90 mnt]# cd home/40g/
[root@mdk90 40g]# ls
albums/ FTP/ _NIM4711.TMP* RECYCLER/ Rich6/ System Volume Information/ video/ WUTemp/
[root@mdk90 40g]# df -h
檔案系統 容量 已用 可用 已用% 掛載點
/dev/hda5 945M 86M 812M 10% /
/dev/hda1 15M 3.0M 11M 23% /boot
/dev/hda9 1.1G 251M 789M 25% /home
/dev/hda10 387M 9.0M 358M 3% /tmp
/dev/hda7 2.9G 2.0G 827M 71% /usr
/dev/hda8 1018M 132M 835M 14% /var
//piii-1g/ftp_(G) 75G 30G 45G 40% /mnt/home/80g
//piii-1g/ftp_(F) 38G 30G 7.7G 80% /mnt/home/40g
成功的mount 起來
