【求助】windows2000 problem

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  1. #1

    【求助】windows2000 problem

    57. You are the . Create a policy on the CA that allows the
    Web developers to request a certificate for code signing.
    c. Install an Enterprise CA on one of your domain controllers. Install an
    Enterprise Subordinate CA on one of your member servers. Issue code
    signing certificates to your Web developers.
    d. Configure your Web server to request code signing certificates from a
    commercial CA such as Verisign.

    Answer:d administrator of a Web server (IIS) that runs on a Windows
    2000 Server computer. Your company web site has ActiveX controls. You want
    these ActiveX controls to be automatically download to your customers
    browsers. The default security settings on your customers' browsers
    prevents this.

    What should you do to automate the downloading of your ActiveX controls?

    a. Install an Enterprise CA on one of your domain controllers and have it
    issue a certificate for code signing.
    b. Install an Enterprise Subordinate Certificate Authority (CA) that uses
    a commercial CA as the parent
    Original 900-->b


  2. #2
    網技版工友.. milwater 的大頭照
    呃.. 你的文章內容不清不楚的, 實在是有點看不瞭.
    不過問題倒也明顯, 就是CA(存取憑證授權).
    在安裝Win2k Server時要安裝該選項, 之後進到mmc, 做些相關設定.
    由於設定手續多, 建議你買本專講"網路安全"的Windows2K Server的書來參考,
    或是查查自己Win2k的說明檔內的 => mk:@MSITStore:C:\WINNT\Help\CSconcepts.chm::/sag_CS_procs_admin.htm

    推         推
    推 讚讚讚讚讚讚讚 推
    推    讚    推
    推  讚 讚讚讚  推
    推  讚 讚    推
    推 讚讚讚讚讚讚讚 推
    推         推
        聖經堛滲姣P天使.. 是善良的嗎 ~ ??


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  4. 【求助】windows2000 problem
    作者:mok2000 所在討論版:-- 網 路 技 術 版
    回覆: 0
    最後發表: 2002-05-14, 06:24 PM
  5. 【求助】windows2000 problem
    作者:mok2000 所在討論版:-- 網 路 技 術 版
    回覆: 1
    最後發表: 2002-05-10, 06:13 PM




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