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2008-01-16, 10:33 PM
除了前面所介紹的FoxyProxy 之外, Firefox 用戶也不妨考慮 "SwitchProxy Tool :: Firefox Add-ons (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/125)"

IE 設定: 控制台 -> 網際網路選項 -> 連線 -> 設定值 -> 使用自動組態指令碼
Firefox 工具 -> 選項 -> 進階 -> 網路 -> 設定 -> Proxy 自動設定網址
網址輸入 file://c:\proxy.pac 或 file:///c:/proxy.pac (請自行將 "c:" 改成檔案正確存放位置)
然後建立一個純文字檔 "proxy.pac", 以下範例適用於Hinet 用戶:

function FindProxyForURL(url,host) {

// Convert hostname to lower case.
tmp = host.toLowerCase();
host = tmp;

// Process specific rules first. Run UltraSurf (9666), Freegate_F3 (8580), Garden (8081) or GPass.
if ((host == "www.pandora.com") ||
(host == "video.cgi.cbs.com") ||
(host == "www.grandcentral.com")

// Bypass https, ftp and mms.
tmp = url.substring(0,5);
protocol = tmp.toLowerCase()
if (protocol != "http:") {
// alert ("Bypass " + url);
return "DIRECT";

// Setup default proxy
proxy = "PROXY proxy.hinet.net:80; DIRECT";

// Process specific rules first.
if (dnsDomainIs(host, ".cn") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".hk") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".jp")
) return proxy;

// Process speedy or private connections. Do not conflic with other rules.
if (dnsDomainIs(host, ".tw") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".cc") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".org") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".net") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".google.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".gmail.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".yahoo.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".yimg.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".live.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".msn.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".hotmail.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".microsoft.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".flickr.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".ebay.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".taobao.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".mobile01.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".5i01.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".shopping01.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".dd-wrt.com") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".openwrt.org") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".wl500g.info") ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".hinet.net")
) return "DIRECT";

// Safely checking local IP address spaces.
// Do not include the "g" flag in the IP regex expression
if ((host.substring(0,1) == "1") ||
(host.substring(0,1) == "2")
) {
reip = /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/;
if (reip.test(host)) {
// if (shExpMatch(host, "/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/")) {
// if (isInNet(host, "", "") ||
// isInNet(host, "", "") ||
// isInNet(host, "", "") ||
// isInNet(host, "", "")
if (shExpMatch(host, "192.168.*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "172.16.*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "10.*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "224.*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "232.*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "233.*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "239.*") ||
shExpMatch(host, "169.254.*") ||
(host == "")
) return "DIRECT";

// Check plain hostname and localhost
if (isPlainHostName(host) ||
// (host == "localhost") ||
shExpMatch(host, "localhost.*")
) return "DIRECT";

// alert ("Proxy alert!");
return proxy;

} // End of fuction

// Set "proxy.hinet.net:80" for Hinet users
// Set "proxy.seed.net.tw:8080" for Seednet users
// Copyleft: www.pczone.com.tw
// http://www.pczone.com.tw/thread/6/post/20756/1002231/#post1002231
// Reference: http://www.returnproxy.com/proxypac/
// Firefox: file:///c:/proxy.pac
// IE: file://c:/proxy.pac
以上原則是FIFO, 先吻合先執行, 請參考 "Mozilla Taiwan 討論區: 尋找某網站對應某代理伺服器 (Proxy) 的功能 (http://forum.moztw.org/viewtopic.php?t=7156)"

修改proxy.pac 之後, 必須由SwitchProxy 重新載入proxy.pac 或重新啟動IE, 變更才會生效, 以SwitchProxy 切換等同重新載入, 務必注意左右括弧, 若不對稱, 則整個組態都無效

以上範例中, 如果沒有先執行UltraSurf, 就造訪Pandora 的話, 函式FindProxyForURL 會先檢查return "PROXY" 是否有效, 若無效則改為 "DIRECT", 避免造成無法連結, 此時請先以SwitchProxy 切換為None, 接著執行UltraSurf, 再切換回原來的Proxy 設定, 就可以不用重新啟動Firefox

在SwitchProxy 之中, 小弟將以上使用自動組態指令碼命名為Default, 除此之外, 小弟還建立了Hinet, Proxomitron (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxomitron)/Proximodo (http://proximodo.sourceforge.net) , UltraSurf (無界) (http://www.wujie.net) 和Freegate (自由門/動態網) (http://us.dongtaiwang.com/loc/download_en.php), 如果您需要絕對隱密, 那麼您可以考慮安裝Vidalia Bundles (包含Tor + Privoxy) (http://www.vidalia-project.net), 另外, 請將區網IP 排除在外, 預設No Proxy for 的內容只有 "localhost,", 請再改為 "localhost,,,,"

Switch Proxy Options 只保留 "Show Context Menu" 打勾, 其餘取消, 變換Proxy 範本不重新載入目前頁面, 請手動更新目前頁面

另類代理 - 內容分發網路 Content Distribution Network (CDN) (http://www.pczone.com.tw/thread/29/136379/)
Proxy auto-config - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_auto-config)
JavaScript or JScript Auto-Proxy Example Files (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/ie/ieak/techinfo/deploy/60/en/corpexjs.mspx)
Writing Effective Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC) Files (http://jcurnow.home.comcast.net/~jcurnow/WritingEffectivePACFiles.html)
Access and Watch Veoh Even if Veoh Is No Longer Available in Your Country >> Raymond.CC Blog (http://www.raymond.cc/blog/archives/2008/06/04/access-and-watch-veoh-even-if-veoh-is-no-longer-available-in-your-country/)
Access and Visit US-Only Restricted Websites (Hulu, Pandora, Weoh, ABC, CW) from Outside of United States >> My Digital Life (http://www.mydigitallife.info/2008/07/01/access-and-visit-us-only-restricted-websites-hulu-pandora-veoh-abc-cw-from-outside-of-united-states/)
HOWTO: Bypass censorship using proxy services - Raymond.CC Forum (http://www.raymond.cc/forum/network/7478-howto-bypass-censorship-using-proxy-services.html)
IPv4 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4)

FF2 + SwitchProxy Tool 1.4.1, 請自行修改擴充套件 (以7-Zip 展開):
