

2018-05-08, 10:28 AM



這在工作上真的會很方便,比如開 excel 報表在左側,右側開你的其它程式,如 word、小算盤、powerpoint 之類的程式。(不限二支程式喔,要開幾支就開幾支。)

更精確的說,這支程式可以比如開啟某個 EXCEL 報表時,就會開啟你設定另一個作業檔案,比如影像處理軟體和 WORD 連動,或是其它類型的連動,都可以,而且視窗都還可以填滿。


並且開啟之後,還有可以對其進入程式時作自動化的設定,類似巨集,很不錯,推薦給大家,這是共享軟體,但不貴,只有 300 多塊台幣,加入終身授權升級的話,只要再加 156 塊而已,很划算的。

DeskSoft - WindowManager - Window position and size manager (http://www.desksoft.com/WindowManager.htm)


設定開啟 EXCEL 之後自動開啟 WORD 檔案(這裡的範例是空白檔案。)




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When a window is opened, WindowManager can execute various advanced commands. These commands can be entered in the "Commands" edit field in the window properties. The total text length for all commands is approx. 1 KB, which should be enough for even complex tasks. If a command fails (e.g. if a window or control can not be selected because it's not found), the execution of the commands will be aborted, so the rest of the commands will not be executed.

To simplify the process of creating the command list, you can click the "Edit" button next to the command text, which will open the command editor dialog.

Supported Commands

This is the list of supported commands:

WINDOW ( "caption", "class", "program", timeout )

Selects a window by its caption text, class and executable that opened it. The first window that "contains" the given texts in the parameters will be selected, activated and brought to the foreground. Any subsequent commands will be relative to the selected window. By default, the window that executes the commands will be selected, so you need to use this command only if you need to select a different main window.

If you leave a parameter empty, all texts will match. The matching is case sensitive.

The timeout value is optional and selects the time (in milliseconds) to wait for the window to be opened. This can be useful if a window opens another one and you need to wait for it to be open before executing other commands.

Example: WINDOW ( , "Notepad++", "notepad++.exe" )

This will select the first window it finds with any caption, class name "Notepad++" and the executable path containing "notepad++.exe".

CONTROL ( id, "caption", "class", timeout )

Selects a child window (control like button, edit field, etc.) of the currently selected main window by its control id, text and class. The first window that "contains" the given texts in the parameters will be selected and the keyboard focus will be set to it. Any subsequent commands will be relative to the selected control.

If you leave a parameter empty, all texts (or ids) will match. The matching is case sensitive.

The timeout value is optional and selects the time (in milliseconds) to wait for the control to become visible or enabled. This can be useful if a control needs some time to be enabled and you need to wait for it before executing other commands.

Example: CONTROL ( , "Ok", "Button" )

This will select the "Ok" button of the previously selected window.

CLICK ( button, x-pos, y-pos )

This command clicks a mouse button:

button: 0 = left button, 1 = right button, 2 = middle button, -1 = move mouse cursor only, don't click

x-pos, y-pos: the position relative to the previously selected window or control. If you append a "%" to the numbers, the values are percentages of the total width or height of the window or control.

Example: CLICK ( 1, 50%, 50% )

This clicks the left mouse button right in the middle of the previously selected button.

TYPE ( "text" )

Types a text to the control with the keyboard focus. The focus is set to a control by the CONTROL command.

Example: TYPE ( "Hello World!" )

This simulates tying the text "Hello World!" on the keyboard.

KEY ( key )

Presses a key or key combination on the keyboard.

key: description of the key combination to press. Click the button "Key" in the command editor to generate a valid key description.

Example: KEY ( C+A )

This presses the combination "Ctrl + A" on the keyboard (to select all text, etc.)

WAIT ( timeout )

Waits the given timeout.

timeout: time to wait in milliseconds.

Example: WAIT ( 500 )

Waits half a second before continuing to execute the next commands.

RUN ( "program", "parameters", show )

Runs an external program with parameters.

program: the fully qualified path of the program to run or file to open. You can enter document files (e.g. "D:\Test.txt"), folder locations (e.g. "C:\Windows") or programs (e.g. "C:\Windows\notepad.exe").

parameters: the parameters to pass to the program.

show: the initial visibility of the program. 1 = show normal, 2 = show minimized, 3 = show maximized, 0 = Hidden (use with care, because hidden windows can not be interacted with!)

Example: RUN ( "C:\Windows\notepad.exe", "D:\Test.txt", 1 )

This will open Notepad and load the file "D:\Test.txt".


Closes the currently selected main window (by sending it the standard "Alt+F4" command). Only windows that support this standard method will be closed - for others, you can try simulating a mouse click on a close button, etc.

Example: CLOSE ( )

Closes the previously selected main window.

MOVE ( x-pos, y-pos )

This command moves the currently selected window or control (whatever was selected last) to a new position.

x-pos, y-pos: the new position. Main windows will be moved to screen coordinates and child windows (controls) will be moved to a position relative to their parent.

Example: MOVE ( 100, 200 )

This moves the previously selected button to the position 100, 200 relative to its parent.

SIZE ( width, height )

This command resizes the currently selected window or control (whatever was selected last).

width, height: the new dimensions.

Example: SIZE ( 50, 20 )

This resizes the previously selected button to width 50 and height 20 pixels.

STATE ( state )

This command minimizes, maximizes or restores the currently selected main window.

state: new state: 0 = restored, 1 = minimized, 2 = maximized, 3 = topmost (stay above all other windows), 4 = non-topmost (do not stay above all other windows)

Example: STATE ( 2 )

This maximizes the currently selected main window.

ENABLE ( enable)

This command enables or disables the currently selected control. Can be useful to enable temporarily disabled buttons, etc.

enable: 0 = disable, 1 = enable

Example: ENABLE ( 1 )

Enables the previously selected button if it is currently disabled.

PROFILE ( "profile" )

Switches to a profile and applies it.

profile: the name of the profile to switch.

Example: PROFILE ( "Default" )

This loads the profile "Default" and applies it (handles all currently open windows according to the profile).

Command Editor

The command editor helps creating correct command scripts. Click the "Edit" button next to the command edit fields to open the command editor.

The command editor dialog has buttons for the most frequently used commands. Buttons with a "!" are special: click and hold the left mouse button and then move the mouse cursor over any window or control on screen to select that window or use the coordinates selected.

To add a command, simply place the text cursor at the position in the command text where you want to enter the next command and then click one of the buttons. To select windows or controls, click and hold the buttons while you move the mouse over the item you want to select. When releasing the button, the command editor will insert the respective command.

When adding mouse clicks, the command editor will use percentage positions if you click inside a control (button, edit field, etc.) and it will use pixel coordinates for main windows. You can manually change the values of course.

To test the commands, click the "Test" button. To test just some of the commands, select the text range in the edit field and then click "Test".


A typical task for commands would be the following: when a dialog is opened, a button should be clicked automatically. To achieve this, create a rule or window item in WindowManager that catches the dialog. Now open the command editor for that window and click and hold "Control !". Now move the mouse cursor over the button in the dialog you want to click. This will add a "SELECT" command for that button. Now click and hold the "Click !" button and move the mouse cursor over the button you want to click. Release the left mouse button just where you want the button to be clicked (usually somewhere in the center) and the "CLICK" command will be added to the commands. It will use percentage values for the positions, because they are relative to the selected buttons dimensions.