【問題】關於linux qos 設定


2008-04-05, 10:58 AM

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 3 u32 fh 800::800 order 2048 key ht 800 bkt 0
flowid 1:10
match 00010000/00ff0000 at 8
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 3 u32 fh 800::801 order 2049 key ht 800 bkt 0
flowid 1:10
match 00060000/00ff0000 at 8
match 05000000/0f00ffc0 at 0
match 00100000/00ff0000 at 32

class htb 1:40 parent 1:2 leaf 40: prio 6 rate 1000bit ceil 52000bit burst 6Kb c
burst 1664b
Sent 7628415 bytes 52953 pkts (dropped 0, overlimits 0)
rate 496bit
lended: 11780 borrowed: 41173 giants: 0
tokens: 63238626 ctokens: 473843

iptables 中
target prot opt source destination
CONNMARK all -- anywhere anywhere CONNMARK restore
RETURN all -- anywhere anywhere MARK match !0x0
CONNMARK all -- anywhere anywhere CONNMARK save
RETURN all -- anywhere anywhere


哪有在討論tc iptables L7 filter 的地方阿


2008-04-05, 09:55 PM

專門討論軟體路由器,各種 unix 系列、商業軟路由,還有 Linux 系列的

不過因為是大陸網站,簡體字的,可用 Firefox 同文堂自動轉換繁體,發文前也把文章轉簡體比較好



前兩段看起來好像是 FreeBSD 的語法,非 Linux 語法
(不確定是不是 FreeBSD,但一定不是 Linux 的)

u32 是 CBQ 模式的,彈性大,但邏輯上較難懂
CBQ 教學資料比較少,HTB 資料比較多
兩者處理效能差不多,也有說法是 HTB 因較精簡,效能較好

但是下面又出現 HTB....

iptables 是 Linux 才有的
不過最後那一段,並不是 iptables 語法

看起來像是 iptables 的設定 save 檔 (匯出設定檔)

iptables 的設定,雖然用程式匯入也可以
但大多數人偏向直接寫 script,打指令輸入
寫 script 則可以程序化,具判斷式、迴圈、變數..等功能,好處比較大

2008-04-06, 09:04 AM
感恩linx_xp 大大的回答

上面都是出自於dd-wrt linux 的L7-filter qos的東西
堂弟在bt foxy 老婆在voip
所以我想看它設完之後怎麼用iptables 及tc去跑出來的東西
看起來dd-wrt預設真的是有讓ack先跑加速bt foxy

Device eth0:
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32
filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 3: ht divisor 1 <========= Start of table 3. parses TCP header

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 3::800 order 2048 key ht 3 bkt 0 flowid 1:130 (rule hit 102 success 0)
match 03690000/ffff0000 at nexthdr+0 (success 0 ) <========= SOURCE PORT 873 goes to class 1:130

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 2: ht divisor 1 <========= Start of table 2. parses ICMP header

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 2::800 order 2048 key ht 2 bkt 0 flowid 1:110 (rule hit 0 success 0)
match 08000000/ff000000 at nexthdr+0 (success 0 ) <========= ICMP Type 8 goes to class 1:110

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 2::801 order 2049 key ht 2 bkt 0 flowid 1:110 (rule hit 0 success 0)
match 00000000/ff000000 at nexthdr+0 (success 0 ) <========= ICMP Type 0 goes to class 1:110

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 1: ht divisor 1 <========= Start of table 1. parses TCP header

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 1::800 order 2048 key ht 1 bkt 0 flowid 1:130 (rule hit 0 success 0)
match c1210000/ffff0000 at nexthdr+0 (success 0 ) <========= SOURCE PORT 49441 goes to class 1:130

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 1::801 order 2049 key ht 1 bkt 0 flowid 1:130 (rule hit 0 success 0)
match c1220000/ffff0000 at nexthdr+0 (success 0 ) <========= SOURCE PORT 49442 goes to class 1:130

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 800: ht divisor 1 <========= Start of Table 800. Packets start here!

=============== The following 2 rules are generated by the class definition in /etc/shorewall/classes ==================

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 800::800 order 2048 key ht 800 bkt 0 flowid 1:110 (rule hit 2204 success 138)
match 00060000/00ff0000 at 8 (success 396 ) <========= TCP
match 05000000/0f00ffc0 at 0 (success 250 ) <========= Header length 20 and Packet Length < 64
match 00100000/00ff0000 at 32 (success 138 ) <========= ACK

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 800::801 order 2049 key ht 800 bkt 0 flowid 1:110 (rule hit 2066 success 0)
match 00100000/00100000 at 0 (success 0 ) <========= Minimize-delay goes to class 1:110

=============== Jump to Table 1 if the matches are met ==================

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 800::802 order 2050 key ht 800 bkt 0 link 1: (rule hit 2066 success 0)
match ce7c92b2/ffffffff at 12 (success 1039 ) <========= SOURCE
match 00060000/00ff0000 at 8 (success 0 ) <========= PROTO TCP
offset 0f00>>6 at 0 eat

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 800::803 order 2051 key ht 800 bkt 0 flowid 1:110 (rule hit 2066 success 1039)
match ce7c92b2/ffffffff at 12 (success 1039 ) <========= SOURCE goes to class 1:110

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 800::804 order 2052 key ht 800 bkt 0 flowid 1:110 (rule hit 1027 success 132)
match ce7c92b3/ffffffff at 12 (success 132 ) <========= SOURCE goes to class 1:110

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 800::805 order 2053 key ht 800 bkt 0 flowid 1:110 (rule hit 895 success 603)
match ce7c92b4/ffffffff at 12 (success 603 ) <========= SOURCE goes to class 1:110

=============== Jump to Table 2 if the matches are met ==================

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 800::806 order 2054 key ht 800 bkt 0 link 2: (rule hit 292 success 0)
match 00010000/00ff0000 at 8 (success 0 ) <========= PROTO ICMP
offset 0f00>>6 at 0 eat

=============== Jump to Table 3 if the matches are met ==================

filter parent 1: protocol ip pref 10 u32 fh 800::807 order 2055 key ht 800 bkt 0 link 3: (rule hit 292 success 0)
match ce7c92b1/ffffffff at 12 (success 265 ) <========= SOURCE
match 00060000/00ff0000 at 8 (success 102 ) <========= PROTO TCP
offset 0f00>>6 at 0 eat
Understanding the output of 'shorewall show tc'
The shorewall show tc (shorewall-lite show tc) command displays information about the current state of traffic shaping. For each device, it executes the following commands:

echo Device $device:
tc -s -d qdisc show dev $device
tc -s -d class show dev $device
So, the traffic-shaping output is generated entirely by the tc utility.

Here's the output of for eth0. The configuration is the one shown in the preceding section (the output was obtained almost 24 hours later than the shorewall show filters output shown above).

Device eth0:

============== The primary queuing discipline is HTB (Hierarchical Token Bucket) ====================

qdisc htb 1: r2q 10 default 120 direct_packets_stat 9 ver 3.17
Sent 2133336743 bytes 4484781 pkt (dropped 198, overlimits 4911403 requeues 21) <=========== Note the overlimits and dropped counts
rate 0bit 0pps backlog 0b 8p requeues 21

============== The ingress filter. If you specify IN-BANDWIDTH, you can see the 'dropped' count here. =========

In this case, the packets are being sent to the IFB for shaping

qdisc ingress ffff: ----------------
Sent 4069015112 bytes 4997252 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
rate 0bit 0pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0

============ Each of the leaf HTB classes has an SFQ qdisc to ensure that each flow gets its turn ============

qdisc sfq 110: parent 1:110 limit 128p quantum 1514b flows 128/1024 perturb 10sec
Sent 613372519 bytes 2870225 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 6)
rate 0bit 0pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 6
qdisc sfq 120: parent 1:120 limit 128p quantum 1514b flows 128/1024 perturb 10sec
Sent 18434920 bytes 60961 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
rate 0bit 0pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
qdisc sfq 130: parent 1:130 limit 128p quantum 1514b flows 128/1024 perturb 10sec
Sent 1501528722 bytes 1553586 pkt (dropped 198, overlimits 0 requeues 15)
rate 0bit 0pps backlog 11706b 8p requeues 15

============= Class 1:110 -- the high-priority class ===========

Note the rate and ceiling calculated from 'full'

class htb 1:110 parent 1:1 leaf 110: prio 1 quantum 4800 rate 192000bit ceil 384000bit burst 1695b/8 mpu 0b overhead 0b cburst 1791b/8 mpu 0b overhead 0b level 0
Sent 613372519 bytes 2870225 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
rate 195672bit 28pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0 <=========== Note the current rate of traffic. There is no queuing (no packet backlog)
lended: 2758458 borrowed: 111773 giants:
tokens: 46263 ctokens: 35157

============== The root class ============

class htb 1:1 root rate 384000bit ceil 384000bit burst 1791b/8 mpu 0b overhead 0b cburst 1791b/8 mpu 0b overhead 0b level 7
Sent 2133276316 bytes 4484785 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0) <==== Total output traffic since last 'restart'
rate 363240bit 45pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
lended: 1081936 borrowed: 0 giants: 0
tokens: -52226 ctokens: -52226

============= Bulk Class (outgoing rsync, email and bittorrent) ============

class htb 1:130 parent 1:1 leaf 130: prio 3 quantum 1900 rate 76000bit ceil 230000bit burst 1637b/8 mpu 0b overhead 0b cburst 1714b/8 mpu 0b overhead 0b level 0
Sent 1501528722 bytes 1553586 pkt (dropped 198, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
rate 162528bit 14pps backlog 0b 8p requeues 0 <======== Queuing is occurring (8 packet backlog). The rate is still below the ceiling.
lended: 587134 borrowed: 966459 giants: 0 During peak activity, the rate tops out at around 231000 (just above ceiling).
tokens: -30919 ctokens: -97657

================= Default class (mostly serving web pages) ===============

class htb 1:120 parent 1:1 leaf 120: prio 2 quantum 1900 rate 76000bit ceil 230000bit burst 1637b/8 mpu 0b overhead 0b cburst 1714b/8 mpu 0b overhead 0b level 0
Sent 18434920 bytes 60961 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0)
rate 2240bit 2pps backlog 0b 0p requeues 0
lended: 57257 borrowed: 3704 giants: 0
tokens: 156045 ctokens: 54178

ref http://www.shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm

2008-04-07, 09:16 AM