【下載】ieSpell - Spell Checker add-on for Internet Explorer - Red Egg Software


2007-05-17, 08:52 PM
不知道您是否曾在英文討論區發表文章? 您的英文程度是否像小弟一樣難登大雅之堂又經常錯字連篇? 雖然Word 內建英文單字檢查程式, 然而在IE 之下總是不方便, 現在有了ieSpell 之後, 您就不用再擔心羞於見人了(文法還是得正確才行)

ieSpell - Spell Checker add-on for Internet Explorer - Red Egg Software (http://www.iespell.com/)

ieSpell is a free Internet Explorer browser extension that spell checks text input boxes on a webpage. It should come in particularly handy for users who do a lot of web-based text entry (e.g. web mails, forums, blogs, diaries). Even if your web application already includes spell checking functionality, you might still want to install this utility because it is definitely much faster than a server-side solution. Plus you get to store and use your personal word list across all your applications, instead of maintaining separate ones on each application.
圖示 (http://www.iespell.com/images/screenshot2k.PNG)

後記: 其實中文單字檢查程式應該會比英文更熱賣才對, 因為現在很多網友使用的是火星文(注音文), 不但 "罄竹難書(某部長說這是稱讚用語)" 又 "每況愈下(新聞主播都這麼用)", 再過一百年, 只怕會讀寫正體中文字的人都成了保育類動物了

補充: (2007-06-04)
【下載】Spell Checker For OE - Vampirefo - PCZONE 討論區 (http://www.pczone.com.tw/thread/67/133837/)