【分享】RasPPPOE_098c 自動安裝版


頁 : 1 [2]

2005-12-28, 08:04 PM


2005-12-29, 03:21 AM
設定上請參考精華區的[技巧]Windows2000不需登入即自動連上網路(RasPPPoE) (http://www.pczone.com.tw/showthread.php?t=10827&highlight=rasphone)

2005-12-29, 11:27 AM



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

2005-12-29, 05:19 PM
RASPPPOE 0.99Beta 釋出∼

* Version 0.99, December 27th, 2005

* First release with AMD64 support! The AMD64 version only runs on Windows x64 Editions and supports AMD's AMD64 as well as Intel's EM64T. It is distributed in a separate archive for now.
* Added: Limit Send Speed option. This option can be used to limit the send speed of the protocol to the actual upstream bandwidth of the Internet link to remedy the poor full duplex performance of TCP/IP on links with asymmetric bandwidths.
* Added: The installer (fully licensed version only) now picks up the optional files RASPPPOE.ICO and RASPPPOE.INI which can be used to customize the default icon for dial-up connections created for this protocol and the default protocol settings.
* Added: The installer (fully licensed version only) can now be used to detect if the protocol is installed with the command-line arg /CHECKINSTALL. The installer returns 0 if the protocol is properly installed and operational.
* Added: The installer (fully licensed version only) can now be used to check if any Access Concentrator can be reached with the command-line arg /CHECKCONNECTION. The installer returns 0 if it receives a response to a PPPoE PADI packet through any of the network adapters the protocol is operating on.
* Changed: The installer (fully licensed version only) for the x86 platform now autodetects if it runs on one of the other two supported platforms (AMD64 and Intel Itanium) and automatically runs the corresponding installer executeable, so that the x86 installer executeable can be invoked to install the protocol on all supported platforms.
* Changed: The protocol will now enable the reception of packets through the network adapter via the current packet filter only when it is actually needed, i.e. when either an outgoing connection has been initiated or when listening for incoming connections. This avoids unnecessary warnings logged to the event log when another PPPoE client software is used on the same machine and network adapter.
* Changed: Increased all timeouts to allow use of the protocol over high-latency links such as satellite links. Now connection requests are resent after 5 seconds, then after 10 seconds and 15 seconds after that no answer is indicated, for a total timeout of 30 seconds. Incoming connections are now offered for up to 25 seconds. The watchdog timer during a connection now checks for traffic every 30 seconds and sends up to three LCP Echo-Requests before terminating the connection. Thus, a connection loss will now be detected within 120 to 150 seconds.