!(程式啟動時發生錯誤) 找不到重要的.dll檔-binkw32.dll。 進來幫幫我吧>"< - PCZONE 討論區

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!(程式啟動時發生錯誤) 找不到重要的.dll檔-binkw32.dll。 進來幫幫我吧>"<



# Q: How do I install the dll-file?
A: The file is zipped, so you will need winzip to unzip it. Then open up the zip-file with WinZip and extract the dll-file to your windows\system directory. Then reboot your computer.
If it still doesn't work, use REGVSR32.EXE. Follow the following instructions:

Commands to add/delete .dll or .ocx files
To add .ocx and certain .dll files, it will be necessary to restart your computer in DOS mode and run WINDOWS/SYSTEM/REGSVR32.EXE from the command line. You will need the following commands and switches:

regsvr32 [/u] [/s] [n] [i [:cmdline]] dll name or ocx name

/u (unregistered server)
/s (silent; display no message boxes)
/c (console output)
/i Call dll or ocx install passing it an optional [cmdline]; when used with /u calls dll or ocx uninstall
/n Do not call dll RegisterServer; this option must be used with /i

Or you can go to START > RUN and type SFC, and use that program to install dll files.


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