

2002-11-15, 08:53 PM
就是『Do not add the ";1" ISO file version extension 』


2002-11-17, 01:11 PM

2002-11-17, 05:59 PM
ISO 9960允許的檔案和目錄命名方式為: <name>.<extension>;<version> ,如test.001;2(;2表示test.001的第二個版本)。當你用Nero燒錄檔案時,若將『Do not add the ";1" ISO file version extension 』打勾,則上述命名法不被允許。

ISO-9660 File and Directory Naming Standard (http://www.gnscd.com/iso.htm)(Quoted from:)

Each file name consists of three components: name, extension and version number as follows: <name>.<extension>;<version>

A name or extension consists of zero or more characters of the set [A..Z], [0..9] and _ (underscore). The version number ranges from 1 to 32767. The name and extension together must consist of at least one character e.g. .000;1 is a valid ISO-9660 file name

There are three levels of interchange defined by ISO-9660:

-Level 1

The number of characters of the name is restricted to 8 and the number of characters of the extension is restricted to 3.

-Levels 2 and 3

The total length of the name and extension is restricted to 30 characters (excluding the point and semicolon). Within GEAR the file name length is restricted to 30.

Files are listed in alphabetical order. If two file names do not have the same number of characters the shorter name is treated as if extended with spaces. This rule applies for both the name and the extension. If two files have equal names the file with the highest version numbers comes first e.g. AA.;2 before AA.;1.

A directory name consists of one or more characters of the set [A..Z], [0..9] and _ (underscore) with a maximum of 31 characters. The maximum nesting level of directories is 8 (the root is level 1!). The total number of characters specifying a file within a directory (path) must be smaller than 256. Directories are sorted alphabetically.

The order of characters is according to ISO 646, i.e. [0..9] comes before [A..Z] and [A..Z] comes before _ (underscore).

eDoc Publish can provide you with CD's that are in compliance with any ISO 9000 series standards.

2002-11-18, 12:27 PM

2002-11-18, 05:06 PM