求助】請數學高手幫我解答一個問題(關於 CDs 定存)


2002-05-21, 09:53 PM
In December 1996, Bank of the West offered six-month CDs at 5.0%
interest compounded monthly.

a. Find the CD's annual yield.
b. How much would a %1000 CD be worth at maturity?

(a) 5.116%
(b) 1025.26

我解得出來 a 的答案

((1- (0.05/12))^12)-1=0.05116

但b 算出來都是 1025.50.... 左右
但答案卻是 1025.26 到底要怎算呢
希望有人幫我解答 謝嘍 ~Q