10 to 2


2002-01-01, 04:07 AM


#include <iostream.h>

int GetData(void);
unsigned long Transfer(int);
void Display(unsigned long);

void main(void)
{ int Ten;
unsigned long Two;

Ten = GetData();
Two = Transfer(Ten);

int GetData(void)
{ int Ten;
cout << "Input number to be transfered:";
cin >> Ten;
return Ten;

unsigned long Transfer(int Ten)
{ int quotient = Ten, over; //quotient=商, over=餘
unsigned long Two = 0, exp = 1;

do{ over = quotient % 2; //求餘數
quotient /= 2; //求商數
Two = Two + over * exp; //依餘數轉換成二進位的十進位表示法
exp *= 10;
} while(quotient > 0);

return Two;

void Display(unsigned long Two)
{ cout << "\nThe answer is : " << Two; }