Playbackup 、「惡靈三」和「暗黑二」 之一


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2001-03-02, 11:38 PM

playbackup. 以下是原作者的話,他對於SafeDisc及SecuRom的保護有簡略的說明,對於playbackup對付他們的方法作了扼要但明白的解釋。筆者本想將它們扼要翻譯,並加註個人的些許淺見,但是因怕破壞原味,又加上身體微恙,先偷懶把它先擺上來。還好它的用詞倒無艱難之處。它的說詞,與筆者的驗證十分的吻合。雖然有人或許不是很喜歡它工作的方式,但是它的工作原理與Daemon有類似之處,也是目前除Daemon外,另一種有效對付 SafeDisc2及New SecuRom的工具(對擁有非特殊燒錄機的網友而言)。願對此有興趣的同好,稍加細讀(下面文字包含playbackup的安裝與使用,不要處已刪除)。稍後小弟再就個人的淺見向各位就教。(在燒錄新世界另有「解說safe disk 2」的原文及翻譯 ,可參考之)。

CrazyCowz(原作)者 proudly present:

PlayBackup - makes your Backups play!

1. Disclaimer

2. Introduction to PlayBackup *******

CloneCD is the best 1:1 CD copy program around. However, SafeDisk2 protected CDs can only
be copied with certain CD-Writers. Copies of SecuROM protected CDs require special hardware
- a RAW-DAO burner and a Reader, which is able to read Subchannel Data from Data Tracks.
Not everybody has such hardware. Backups of SecuRom2 protected CDs will only run from CD-ROMs,
not a CD-Writer or a DVD-CD-Writer combo drive.

PlayBackup addresses all these problems.

3. Requirements

A Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 machine with CloneCD installed (registered version recommended) to read
the original disc and write the backup (The "Copy" machine). A Windows 95/98/ME machine to play the
backup (The "Target" machine, will NOT work on NT/2000)

4. Installation

The "PatchImage.exe" must be installed on the "Copy" machine (the machine, where CloneCD is installed).
There is no installation program to install PatchImage. Simply copy the file on your Desktop or anywhere you like.
The "PlayBackup" device driver must be installed on the "Target" machine (the machine, where the backup should be played).
To install the driver, start the "Install.exe" program and follow the instructions. After installing the driver,
the "Target" machine needs to be restarted.

"Copy" and "Target" machine can be the same, of course.

5. Deinstallation

To uninstall PatchImage from the "Copy" machine, simply delete the "PatchImage.exe" file.
To uninstall the PlayBackup driver from the "Target" machine, start the "Install.exe" program.

6. Usage ****

1.) Start CloneCD.
2.) Copy the original CD to an image file.
3.) Exit CloneCD.
4.) Start PatchImage. If your version of CloneCD is registered, PatchImage will know the name of
the Image File automatically. If you use the Demo version of CloneCD, you have to select the Image
File manually.
5.) Click the "Start" button in PatchImage. Your image will now be "patched".
6.) Exit PatchImage.
7.) Start CloneCD.
8.) Write the Image File to an empty CDR.
9.) If you want play the backup copy, make sure, that the PlayBackup driver is installed and enabled.
To enable the driver, click on the "Smiley" icon in your Taskbar. If PatchImage has altered your Image
file (watch the Status window!) the copy will not run, if the PlayBackup driver is not running.

7. Play Backup driver options ***

If you click on the "Smiley" in your TaskBar, you can enable or disable the driver, or modify its behaviour:

"Enable PlayBackup" - completely enables / disables the driver. Although the PlayBackup driver is extremely
system friendly, it might be wise to disable it, when you are finished playing "Backups".

"SafeDisk2" - must be on, if PatchImage has changed your image.

"SecuROM" - must be on, if you want to play SecuROM or SecuROM2 protected backups and your reader doesn't
allow reading of Subchannel Data, or if your writer only writes in SAO-RAW or SAW-RAW+SUB mode.

"Hide CD Writer" - must be on, if you want to play SecuROM2 protected backups from your CD-Writer, or
a DVD/CD-Writer combo drive

Usually, you can simply leave all patches enabled, when you play a game, and disable the driver completely when you
are done. The driver will not interfere when you play from the original CD.

If you remove the Tray Icon by selecting "Exit", the current settings will remain active.

8. How it works ******

It is important to know, that PlayBackup does NOT crack the application! It is not a "generic crack"!
NOT AT ALL! PlayBackup alters the "copy protection related" data delivered from the CD-ROM "on the fly".

SecuROM patch: ******
If the application tries to read subchannel data from the CD-ROM, the PlayBackup driver delivers altered data.
Result: The copy will be identified as an original.

Hide CD-Writer patch: ******
When the application checks, if the inserted media is a CD-R or CD-RW, the PlayBackup driver
will always deliver "This is a pressed, silver CD". Result: Backups will run from CD-Writers and combo drives.

SafeDisk2 patch: ******
This is the really cool one. As a lot of writers can't write special "SafeDisk2 Sectors",
PatchImage replaces these sectors with "literal descriptions" of the sector content. These replacement sectors can
be written by all writers.
When playing the backup, the PlayBackup driver converts these sectors to the original content.
Result: The backup will run.

9. Future **

I am sure, SafeDisk & SecuROM will come up with some counter measures against PlayBackup. This will probably
require an update of PlayBackup.
The PlayBackup driver doesn't work on Win NT and 2000. This is currently no big deal, as most copy protected
games won't run on NT and 2000 either. However, an updated version for Windows 2000 is the next thing to do.

Louise, "CrazyCow extraordinaire"


2001-03-03, 07:59 AM
再談SD2, New SecuRom: "破解程式"Playbackup及Daemon, 及影像檔製作前導程式Clony,CDPS,CloneDB


SD2, New SecuRom防拷保護簡單的認識:
1.New SecuRom
New SecuRom將三類特殊的防護編碼寫入資料次通道,遊戲啟動時,藉檢查次通道防護碼的正確性,判斷是否為真版光碟。主通道資料軌內並無 干擾的保護措施(如壞軌、壞檔等)。
2.Safe Disc2
SD2將很多特殊數位編碼壓進資料主通道資料軌外的很多sector中,而形成(對多數光碟機而言)所謂的bad-sectors.在次通道中並無動手腳 。只有部份光碟機可以完全正確讀出影像檔,更只有特別的燒錄機可以將正確影像檔燒錄為正確的備份光碟片。(後者的相關列表,請參考C K阿強的燒錄之家或燒錄新世界<---原始資料由阿強供。前者尚無較完整資料)。

1.New SecuRom
a.由具有subchannel RAW mode 讀取的CDROM或CD-Writer讀出正確映像檔,再由具RAW-DAO燒錄能力的燒錄機做成備份CD.(相對於可燒錄SD2片子者而言)此類光碟機M或燒 錄機的種類較多。由於燒錄機的讀取資料方式和一般光碟機略有不同,備份光碟只能在後者玩,前者不行。
當你用備份光碟(可安裝)在一般CDROM啟動遊戲時,遊戲主程式會一直檢查次通道的資料,此時Playbackup的常駐驅動程式會更改次通道 的回傳資料,即使CDROM無法正確讀取次通道資料或次通道資料不正確或根本沒有,仍能使遊戲主程式誤認此光碟為真品。此外,當你試圖在 燒錄機玩時,由於燒錄機會遞送其內的光碟是燒錄或壓製的訊息,遊戲主程式會據此判定光碟片的真偽。Playbackup此時會攔截並更改此訊 息為"此為壓製的silver CD",如此遊戲就可以繼續進行。請注意到Playbackup在這個例子裡,對備份光碟的製程,並無任何參與。
Daemon為一能抵抗(emulate) securom, safedisc, laserlock 的虛擬光碟機。它把"適當"讀出的影像檔(最好由Clony,CDPS或 CloneDB等前導程式偵測防拷模式及協助clonecd正確勾選讀取的項,若已知正確選項,不用它們亦可)當虛擬光碟讀入,在遊戲主程式要讀回 保護資料時,加以攔截變更,使遊戲主程式誤認為真品光碟而繼續進行遊戲。

2.Safe Disc2
安裝並啟動Playbackup,利用Playbackup的patchimage對clonecd image檔*.img的bad-sector填入Playbackup的文字說明碼,使一般燒錄機也能燒錄經patch過的影像檔為備份光碟。在進行遊戲時,當主程 式要求cdrom讀回壞軌中的特殊訊息時,及時加以攔截改變為正確資訊,進而使遊戲得以進行下去。注意到本例中,Playbackup辦演了破壞 性的較積極角色。

2001-03-03, 01:01 PM
[email protected]

2001-03-03, 03:49 PM
playbackup2.1 and more:

2001-03-03, 09:55 PM

2001-03-04, 03:11 PM
請問 jess
如果不完全的話,那...用playbackup2.1 patch過的影像檔,再把他燒成cd有沒有用?
如果 PATCH 成功的話,也燒錄成功的話,要玩遊戲之前還需要執行playback嗎?

2001-03-04, 07:23 PM
To 小林兄:

這話應視不同的情況來說。首先,所謂RAW mode讀取是人造壞軌時,所需的較佳能力(否則易當機或讀很久)。

1.對於SecuRom的情況言,光碟機更需具有Subchannel RAW mode的讀取功能(見 )。很多DVD-ROM及部分光碟機具有此能力。若再配合具RAW-DAO的燒錄機就可燒錄出不需playbackup或Daemon等的光碟片(此種燒錄機現在有不少)。唯它只能在光碟機上玩但是不能在燒錄機上玩。但是有非常少數的機型如PLEXTOR820T可以做到完全複製(這些特殊機種也能對付SafeDisc2)。

2.對於SafeDisc2言,因原版光碟具有大量的壞軌,故光碟機需有較佳RAW mode的讀取功能。同樣的,很多DVD-ROM及部分光碟機也具有此能力。(那些光碟機可以正確讀取影像檔?雖然沒有關資料,但是這問題較小,很多都可辦到。影像檔只要能在Daemon上用,大概(非百分百)就可以)。但是其影像檔的壞磁區部分是大多數燒錄機,都不能正確寫錄到光碟片上的(除了非常少數的機型如PLEXTOR820T 外,CK阿強的燒錄之家有列表
或playbackup的選擇(或有人破解遊戲主程式要它不要做保護檢查) 。Daemon的使用方式,你大慨知道了。若使用playbackup來修補影像檔,使其可以被一般燒錄機燒錄,但它其實它是放一些playbackup 應付遊戲主程式檢查的文字資料在原來壞磁區裡,當遊戲啟動時,這些文字資料先被playbackup的常駐驅動程式程式攔截再轉為原來的保護資訊來欺騙遊戲主程式的檢查。所以,使用playbackup的燒錄片,來玩遊戲,是需要先開啟playbackup並enable它才行的。

2001-03-06, 09:51 AM

2001-03-06, 10:10 AM

2001-03-06, 11:39 AM
原始作者是 : jess
燒錄機:Ricoh mp7125a
光碟機:Teac 532E-B