【軟體】Photo Scissors Pilot – Removing Objects from a Photo


2011-08-06, 02:01 AM
想要把你所厭惡的前夫前男友或前XX從相片中徹底移除嗎? 那就不用浪費時間往下看了, 丟掉燒掉剪掉或直接刪除還比較快...(緊痠

Photo Scissors Pilot – Removing Objects from a Photo (http://www.colorpilot.com/photoscissors.html)

Removal of Objects

http://www.colorpilot.com/img/scissors_5.jpg http://www.colorpilot.com/img/scissors_6.jpg

Removing someone from a photo

What You Can Do with Photo Scissors Pilot:

1. Remove Objects
Marker for selection of " unnecessary " and "main" objects
Selection of direction in the removing area (vertical / horizontal)
Possibility of restoring the original size of the image after removal of the object
2. Change the spacing between main objects (with changing the size of the image)
Marker for selection of the remaining objects
Possibility of saving the "main" objects without changing
3. Remove small, unnecessary objects with the Smart Patch tool
Copy a "smart patch" from one part of an image to another
Adjust the color of the copied and pasted object
4. Crop images
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