【轉貼】Sun Acknowledges Security Hole in Patch Process - Security Fix


2006-10-27, 12:18 PM
Sun Acknowledges Security Hole in Patch Process - Security Fix (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/securityfix/2006/08/sun_acknowledges_major_oops_in.html)

Last week, Sun issued another update to its J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE), but the advisory came with a caveat: Even if you apply the latest patch, your machine may still be vulnerable to attacks if you never bother to uninstall or remove older versions of the software.(節錄)
簡單說就是建議先徹底移除舊版JRE, 再安裝新版JRE, 但是這又會遇到另一個問題, 如果是線上升級呢? 建議暫時還是選擇 "手動下載(離線安裝)" (http://www.java.com/zh_TW/download/manual.jsp)