【問題】Alcatel T07AW Reset


2006-07-27, 09:35 AM
不了解下面功能意思,麻煩各位解說 謝謝 ^^

進入 CFE (Boot Loader) 之後, 請小心使用這兩個指令:e 與 i, 這兩個指令功能並不等同於 "Restore to Default", 以免造成無法挽救之結果.
CFE> help
Available commands:

w Write the whole image start from beginning of the flash
e Erase [n]vram or [a]ll flash except bootrom
r Run program from flash image or from host depend on [f/h] flag
p Print boot line and board parameter info
c Change booline parameters
f Write image to the flash
i Erase persistent storage data
b Change board parameters
reset Reset the board
flashimage Flashes a compressed image after the bootloader.
help Obtain help for CFE commands

For more information about a command, enter 'help command-name'
*** command status = 0


2006-07-27, 09:54 PM
執行e n會將某些設定如MAC address 及host IP設定clear,但password未 reset,而 e a把firmware 刪除.
另外i就不知道了,我也想知道如何reset password.